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December 18th 2019
Welcome to OP.NET, the spectrum show for all you indie mercs out there trying to hack out a living in this crazy ’verse. If you’ve tuned in before then I’m sure you don’t need to be told, but for those that haven’t, this show’s proudly unaffiliated with the Guild. That means you can expect only unsanctioned, unfiltered, and unbiased opinions on what it takes to chase down outlaws on your own. I’m your host, Conva Maynard, and with me as always is Skiv.
Now, y’all can’t see this but Skiv’s got a mighty big smile stretched across his face which may or may not have something to do with him test-flying a Mantis for the past few days. All right, it is. We’ll hear his thoughts on RSI’s latest quantum enforcement ship later in the show, and find out how it could help you snag that elusive target. I didn’t get the pleasure of taking the Mantis for a whirl myself, but I have some thoughts on QEDs in general. It always seemed to me that there are better ways to snag suspects in their ship than ripping them out of quantum. Let’s just say I’m always extremely cautious when approaching criminals who are only a trigger squeeze away from potentially blowing me to bits. But, hell, maybe Skiv’s review will convince me to try something new. Stick around to find out.
Before we get to that, let’s turn our attention to important news coming out of Stanton. The Advocacy has announced the activation of an expansive crime-fighting initiative that could have a dramatic effect on merc operations in the system. The Civilian Defense Force, or CDF for short, has issued a statement saying, “Under the authority of the UEE and the Militia Mobilization Initiative, the CDF is empowering a volunteer force of individuals in good legal standing to engage and neutralize any individuals or vehicles that they verify to have an active CrimeStat.”
Boy, oh boy, do I have some questions about what’s going on here. In the past, the CDF has acted as an emergency combat force that could be activated to bolster militias and security forces, but to have them function as a standing unit engaged in open contracts feels like a pretty big departure from their original purpose. Thankfully, joining us now is SAIC Rowena Dulli, the Stanton-based Advocacy special-agent-in-charge who will be supervising the CDF. She graciously agreed to come on the show to discuss exactly how this new initiative will affect the system. Agent Dulli, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with us today.
Let’s start with the basics. For those who might not know, what exactly is the Civilian Defense Force?
So at its core, the CDF is a fleet of untrained civilians playing constable.
It might be a bit crude, but there’s truth to it. Honestly, how effective can the CDF be when the standard for joining is simply “good legal standing”?
My concern is that without any kind of screening this initiative in Stanton will be a way to let civilians race into dangerous situations they’re woefully unprepared for and uninformed about in an attempt to play the hero. How does sending a bunch of untrained pilots to battle known criminals make Stanton any safer?
So what I’m hearing is that the Advocacy isn’t concerned about unqualified individuals going against some of the more dangerous CrimeStat 5 outlaws in the system?
Why not just increase the number of bounties available in-system? There are always plenty of operators looking for work, and by working up a crime sheet, at least you’re providing a sense of how dangerous the perp is. That way they can make a decision on whether or not to attempt an arrest.
Is this open contract on outlaws being deployed anywhere other than the Stanton system? It seems like a perfect storm to turn the system into a shooting gallery.
Well, Special Agent Dulli, thank you for joining us today. We may not see eye to eye on things, but I respect your commitment to making Stanton safer for all of us. We need to take a quick commercial break. There’s more OP.NET on the way and we’ll finally get around to Skiv’s thoughts on the RSI Mantis before he explodes. That and more, when we return.