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September 25th 2013

Meet Jeff Uriarte

Meet Jeff Uriarte

Greetings Citizens,

We hope you enjoyed Chris Roberts’ presentation at the AMD livestream. We will update with a link to the footage as soon as it has been made available. Today we’re also happy to introduce you to Jeff Uriarte, a member of Star Citizen’s programming team who has been hard at work on the Hangar Module. You can read his Q&A below. Want to learn more? Jeff will be in the hot seat on this week’s Wingman’s Hangar. Be sure to tune in Friday to catch his interview!

How did you get started in the game industry?

My dad brought home an apple 2+ around 1980 and immediately got sucked into programming with some sort of game focus. I knew i would eventually be in the game industry. After Univeristy I worked on Edutainment and Educational products for a couple years and then did console sports games for a number of years. I came out to Austin about 10 years ago to work on Ultima Online and have been MMO focused since then.

What projects have you worked on?

I’ve never worked with Chris before, but Wing Commander and it’s derivatives have always been some of my favorites. As far as what I’ve worked on… Early on a number of educational titles, console sports games, Ultima Online, Star Wars Galaxies, Dark Millenium Online, Darksiders 2, and last year The Banner Saga: Factions.

What are you doing for Cloud Imperium?

I’m a generalist. I enjoy variety in my work. My initial stuff has been work on the Hangar and I’ll continue to work on that as we add features. I’ve done a bit of Server work, so I’m going to be working with Tom Sawyer on server development as we start to build that out.

What are you most excited to see in Star Citizen/Squadron 42?

The emergent gameplay that is always pops in MMO games. I’m very interested to see what the players are going to do in the world and that will trigger us to respond by supporting those unpredicted gameplay elements.

What are you playing right now?

Trying to get my last 2 achievments on the 360 version of Diablo 3. I have a shrink wrapped GTA 5 that I’m not allowing myself to touch until I get those last 2 elusive achievements.


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