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February 13th 2013

Meet Forrest Stephan! / Citizen Cards

Meet Forrest Stephan! / Citizen Cards

Today we’re proud to introduce you to Forrest Stephan, Technical Artist on Star Citizen. Forrest was responsible for much of the environmental art you saw during the campaign… and he’s working on some spectacular new things now that we can’t wait to share with you! You’ll be able to meet Forrest this Friday, live on Wingman’s Hangar (11 AM CST.)




How did you get started in the game industry?

I started by working in architecture converting CAD plans into 3D scenes. Then created materials, lighting and rendered out fully 3D renderings. This lead to a career change as a game artist doing environment art.  

Were you familiar with Chris Roberts’ games before Star Citizen?

I was, being a fan of the Wing Commander series when I was younger. I was a big PC gamer, so each game in the franchise was a must have for me.  

What will you be doing for Cloud Imperium?

I will be concentrating on the technical art aspects throughout the development of the project.  

Being a Technical Artist on Star Citizen/Squadron 42 what are some of the exciting elements of development?

By far working with CryEngine 3. It has allowed us to create gameplay elements never thought possible over a decade ago. Graphically, we have been able to push modern hardware and have had incredible results. When the crowdfunding trailer first launched it was a lot of fun reading people’s debates on whether or not the cinematic was in-game… when it was all captured in the game!  

What are you most excited to see in Star Citizen/Squadron 42?

I am most excited to see PVP dogfighting in space… in an asteroid field… in stereoscopic 3D!  

What are you playing right now?

When I find the time I’ve been playing Borderlands 2 and Mass Effect 3.

Citizen Cards

Remember: this Friday, February 15, is your LAST CHANCE to sign up for your customized Citizen Card! Please click on the red Shipping Information box the in your My Account section to provide us with your information. The cards are going into production very soon and we need everyone’s information now in order to create custom cards featuring your preferred name! If you do not fill out the shipping form by Friday, your card will no longer be unique -  so don’t delay, get your card now!


If you are a Kickstarter backer who has not linked their pledge to an RSI account, check your e-mail today! New messages went out this morning to all unlinked Kickstarter backers. These e-mails contain a custom link which can be used to import your Kickstarter pledge to the RSI system, allowing you to sign up for your customized Citizen Card. Your linking message will have been sent to the e-mail you have registered with Kickstarter. If it is not in your inbox, check your spam folder. The subject is “Register your Pledges to Star Citizen.”


For more information, please see the Citizen Card FAQ.


Please note that we are currently working through e-mail support requests regarding Citizen Cards. As long as you have contacted we will get to you and you will receive your custom card, regardless of the deadline. Because of the volume, this may take several days; there is no need to send a follow-up message. If you have been having an issue with the form or would like to change/upgrade your status, please try again: we’ve rolled out an enhanced version that allows for further changes today!


Finally, Sandi does not have enough ‘yes’ votes in order to make a metal upgrade option for bronze and silver cards feasible. If you would be interested in paying $10 to upgrade your plastic bronze or silver level card to a brushed metal card, please vote in the following poll:

Pictured above is the bronze-level card available to anyone who has pledged between $125 and $249 for Star Citizen! These cards come in either Freelancer or Colonel varieties, depending on which package you selected. Get yours today before time runs out!

End Transmission

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