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January 30th 2013

Meet Chris Smith

Meet Chris Smith

As promised, we are introducing you to the “New Nine,” the latest group of Star Citizen team members hired two weeks ago. Next up is Chris Smith, 3D artist for Cloud Imperium Games. Chris is based in Austin and you’ll be able to see him live on Friday during this week’s Wingman’s Hangar… then stop back next Wednesday to meet another developer!


How did you get started in the game industry?

I started doing art for the games industry after I graduated from the Art Institute in Dallas. The first company I worked at was 3D Realms.

What projects have you worked on?

I’ve worked on Duke Nukem Forever, Starhawk, Planetside 2 and now Star Citizen.  

What will you be doing for Cloud Imperium?

I will be setting the quality standard for the weapons and vehicles in the game.  

What are you most excited to see in Star Citizen/Squadron 42?

I’m excited about getting to play a space combat game with motion picture quality graphics and an open world with endless possibilities.  

What are you playing right now?

At the moment I’m not playing anything, but I’ve just completed Killzone 3 a couple weeks ago.

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