2912.06.11 at 1623 hours, United Empire of Earth Citizen #13337, alias Rhet Oruskis, was born in Bellevue, Washington, Earth, Sol. Once of piloting age, he took on the callsign Meridian. With interests as a cargo and data courier, he joined the ranks of The Guardians a paramilitary and logistics organization. The mutual interest in protecting your fellow being through private security and logistics, both of which The Guardians excels at, was a major draw for Rhet's membership. After a few short years of championing their cause, he accepted the position of Director, overseeing all ops, especially as pertains to intelligence gathering. When not fulfilling leadership tasks, he's often found taking runs in either his Herald or Hull A.
Personal fleet on public record:
Herald, Caterpillar, A1 Spirit, Hull A, C8X Pisces, Cyclone RN, Mule, Greycat, Nox
Spectrum: Meridian
Steam: meridian3
YT: @aqualithmedia