Supply or Die

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The Guardians / GUARDIANS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Freelancing

As long as man has been, he has contended; he has fought; he has overcome. In the face of oblivion he will strive to beat the odds. Will you not rally to the standard? Will you stand by and ignore the call? Fight against the Citizen’s enemies; join The Guardians today.

Libertas, Ara, Amplus


Founded in 2935 by a former UEE fighter pilot, The Guardians originally intended to haul and protect cargo routes. After witnessing firsthand the results of Vanduul raids on the edges of UEE Space, Lt. Commander Jag Darklighter retired from active service and set up a private military concern.

These days, The Guardians have diversified from haulers and bodyguards to a multi-national organization comprised of both military and commercial interests. By using his numerous contacts inside the UEE Navy, and his friends in the corporate world, Commander Darklighter assembled a small fleet of his own that operates in many portions of UEE space, now operated under Rhet “Meridian” Oruskis.

As part of a contract with the UEE Navy, The Guardians can be called into any conflict to act as both combatants and re-suppliers. They have spearheaded more than a few operations into enemy space, as well as protected vital interests when the UEE Navy was called to duty.

In addition, The Guardian’s main corporation, Vanguard Industries, has acquired a diversified portfolio of military and civilian equipment. With some of the finest industrialists in known space, Vanguard Industries has spread far and wide amongst the military establishment, and assembles many products that the community has come to rely on.

The Guardians are a veteran-preferred employer on the military side, but will accept qualified civilian volunteers. Pilots are expected to be able to handle themselves in a skirmish, and must be willing and able to hunt down Citizen enemies everywhere.

The Guardians motto is “Libertas, Ara, Amplus,” which, translated, means Freedom, Protection, and Honor. Any adherents or prospective pilots would do well to understand what that means, especially in relation to rules of engagement that the Guardians follow.

The Guardians do not have a long history together in the ‘Verse, but as Commander Darklighter was fond of saying, they do have a date with destiny.


I know why I am here. I know why I wake up every morning with the satisfying feeling that I am a part of a greater glory. I walk this path because it is what I have chosen. I am on this path because tyranny has forced me here; as freedom is my mainstay.

I take up arms against the evil in order to remain true to my own values. I ride the edge of a blade and teeter into the depths of peril because it is who I am. I maintain vigilance as a protector because that is my vocation. I exist to serve as the hammer of justice against the enemies of the just, my brethren. I believe in the common spirit that unites those yearning for salvation. I believe in the cause and I believe in me.

I am the liberty that will never be oppressed. I am the cleansing sanitation of the festering contagion. I am the defender of the helpless. I am hope, I am integrity, and I am unyielding in the pursuit of my convictions.

I am the guiding light of truth and I am the retribution of murdered allies and family members. I am the torch of honor and beacon of respect. I am the fiery might of valor and relentless defiance. I am the culmination of a thousand fears of villainy against my beliefs and those of my family. I am the conqueror of darkness and the defender of the weak. I am the pursuer of freedom and I am the stalwart last stand of an ideal.

I am one of many. I am a Guardian.


We the proud members of The Guardians online community (TG), unite in brotherhood by choice to live by The Guardian Code, pursue the tenets of The Guardian Creed and to provide each other with friendship in a mature and safe gaming environment. To ensure our common actions toward these ends, we establish, recognize and agree to be bound by this Charter.

Article I – Leadership Structure

The Guardians Leadership shall be divided into two parts: the Guardian Council and the Guardian Officer Corps.

Section I – Guardian Council

The Guardian Council is an administrative and managerial body that provides leadership, guidance and support to the organization in its endeavor to fulfill the Guardian Mission and uphold the Guardian Code. The Guardian Council is comprised of a Guild Leader, Assistant Guild Leader, Webmaster, Director of Development, Director of Personnel and multiple Division Leaders as needed.

Section I.a – Guild Leader

As the lead member of The Guardian Council, the Guild Leader is the final authority on all policy decisions for the organization. The Guild Leader is responsible appointing and dismissing Councilors as well as ensuring that they perform their duties effectively. The Guild Leader is also the final authority on all disciplinary matters up to and including the dismissal of Guardian members. The Guild Leader is elected to office by a majority vote of the Guardian members and can only be removed by stepping down voluntarily, or the unanimous vote of The Guardian Council.

Section I.b – Assistant Guild Leader

The Assistant Guild Leader is responsible for filling in for the Guild Leader during prolonged periods of absence or taking over in the event that the Guild Leader steps down or is removed from office by a vote of no confidence. The Assistant Guild Leader may also be assigned by the Guild Leader to administer or oversee any other projects deemed to be beneficial to the Guardian Community.

Section I.c – Webmaster

The Webmaster is responsible for the maintenance, upkeep and day-to-day administration of the Guardian Website. As the lead member of the Guardian Web Team, the Webmaster has the final authority on all issues pertaining to the website, forums and other technical resources of The Guardians. The webmaster is also responsible for the TG Store and the distribution of TG merchandise, which is used to fund our website.

Section I.d – Director of Development

The Director of Development is responsible for pursuing the expansion of The Guardians into new games and the administration of the Guardian Development Process. The Director of Development also serves as the Council representative for Guardian members who do not participate in an active Division. The Director of Development is the point of contact for members who wish to form a new Division within TG.

Section I.e – Director of Personnel

The Director of Personnel is responsible for facilitating the Guardian Recruiting Process throughout all segments of the Guardian Community. The Director of Personnel is responsible for checking the website daily to screen all new applications for quality and completeness. The Director of Personnel may assign applicants to Recruiting Officers when applicable or handle applications themselves when no Recruiting Officer is available. The Director of Personnel will also keep track of members who leave the guild and make adjustments to forum permissions and other access when necessary. The Director of Personnel will follow up with Recruiting Officers, Division Leaders and the Guardian Council to ensure that all standards of the Guardian Recruiting Process are being enforced and that all needs of the process are being met.

Section I.f – Division Leader(s)

Division Leaders serve as Guild Masters of their respective games. Division Leaders are appointed by the Guild Leader and are in charge of all aspects of the day-to-day leadership and administration of their respective Divisions. The number of Division Leaders serving on the Guardian Council at any one time directly corresponds to the number of active Divisions within the organization. Division Leaders may appoint and dismiss Division Officers based upon the needs of their individual Divisions.

Section II – Guardian Officer Corps

The Guardian Officer Corps is comprised of individuals who are appointed by The Guardian Council to carry out specific tasks. All Guardian Officers serve at the pleasure of the Guardian Council and may be appointed and dismissed as necessary. All officer appointments are subject to the approval of the Guild Leader. Upon appointment to the Guardian Officer Corps, all members must swear to uphold and abide by the values written in The Guardian Leader’s Code. Guardian Officers are separated into three categories: Divisional Officers, Non-Divisional Officers and the TG Web Team.

Section II.a – Divisional Officers

These officers are appointed by the Division Leader in order to accomplish specific tasks in a certain game. These officers may also be dismissed by their Division Leader or Guild Leader at any time. Examples of these types of officers might be Raid Leaders, Social Officers or Recruiting Officers. The function of these officers may be in a leadership or administrative capacity. The scope of jurisdiction for these officers will mainly consist of the Division in which they serve but may also extend to the various mediums of communication used by the organization as a whole.

Section II.b – Non-Divisional Officers

These officers are appointed by any member of the Guardian Council in order to accomplish specific tasks for the guild as a whole. These officers may also be dismissed by their supervising Councilor or the Guild Leader at any time. Examples of these types of officers might be Guild Historian, Ventrilo Administrator or Guild Scribe. The function of these officers may be in an administrative or leadership capacity but is not limited to any particular Division.

Section II.c – TG Web and Media Crew

TG Web and Media Crew members are appointed by the Webmaster. They are divided into two distinct groups. The Web Team and the Production Team. The Web Team is responsible for maintaining and improving all aspects of The Guardians website. The Production Team produces newsletters and videos for the Guardian community. Web and Media Crew members may be assigned to any task deemed necessary by the Webmaster. The function of the TG Web and Media Crew is administrative in nature and their jurisdiction extends to matters regarding the website only. The TG Web and Media Crew does receive increased access to information normally reserved for Guardian Officers, and are therefore sworn to the same set of standards and guidelines as any other TG Leader.

Section III – Election and Removal of The Guild Leader

The Guild Leader is the only elected official within The Guardian Organization. Upon election, the Guild Leader is elected for a life term. If a Guild Leader resigns, the process for a new election will begin immediately. If a Guild Leader abandons his post, becomes inactive or is otherwise deemed to be ineffective, a vote of no confidence may be called for.

Section III.a – Guild Leader Election Process

Process – When the need for a Guild Leader Election has been identified (either from a Guild Leader stepping down or a Vote of No Confidence) the Webmaster will create an election forum on the Guardian website. The Director of Personnel will make a general announcement to the community indicating the election process has begun.

Guild Leader Eligibility – Any Guardian Member age 18 and over, with at least one continuous year of membership is eligible to apply for the Guild Leader position.

Application – The application for the position will be drafted by the Assistant Guild Leader, Director of Development, Director of Personnel and Webmaster with input from the rest of the Guardian Council. The application will be posted in the newly created Election Forum. The application period will remain open for two weeks (14 days) from the date it is posted. Applications will be submitted to the Director of Personnel by private message. At the end of the application period, the Director of Personnel will post all the applications in the Election forum.

Campaigning – Once the applications are posted, the campaign phase begins. A two week time period will be allowed for community members to pose questions to the applicants via the Election Forum. Candidates may also post any additional information about themselves that they would like to share.

Voting – Once the campaign period is concluded a poll will be posted and an announcement will be made that the community may vote for their new Guild Leader. The poll will be open for two weeks (14 days) from the date it is posted. An exact time will be announced for closure of voting. Upon the conclusion of the voting period, the candidate with the largest number of votes (a plurality of the vote) is the new guild leader and shall take office immediately. In the event of a tie for the highest number of votes, the tying candidates will participate in a 7 day runoff election vote to determine the new Guild Leader.

Section III.b – Vote of No Confidence

Any member of the Guardian Council may call for a Vote of No Confidence in order to remove a sitting Guild Leader. In order to begin the process, said Councilor must move for a vote by making a post in the Council forum entitled “Vote of No Confidence.” The post must state, in detail, the Councilor’s case for removing the Guild Leader. In order for a vote to move forward, the motion must be seconded by another sitting Councilor within twenty-four hours of the original post. Once the motion is seconded, the Guild Webmaster will suspend the Guild Leader’s administrative rights to the guild’s forum and website until the conclusion of the vote. The Guild Leader may not appoint or dismiss any Councilors once a vote has been called for.

The Council will then conduct a roll-call style vote on whether or not to replace the Guild Leader. The vote will last until the entire sitting Council has voted. Councilors must vote one of two ways: Yea or Nay. In order to remove the Guild Leader, there must be no votes of Nay from any Council members. Councilors are obligated to vote and may not abstain or remain silent.

If the vote fails, all rights of Leadership will be immediately restored to the Guild Leader. If the vote succeeds, the Assistant Guild Leader will maintain control of the organization, make a formal announcement to the membership and immediately begin the process of electing a new Guild Leader. The former Guild Leader will retain full membership status in the organization unless his or her actions warrant removal per the Guardian Disciplinary Process.

Section IV – Leadership and Member Interaction

Guardian Members and Leaders must understand that without one another, neither group would be able to succeed. To foster this understanding, we have implemented policies dictating how members should approach leaders with problems and issues as well as a policy on how leaders should conduct themselves in their dealings with Guardian members.

Section IV.a – Open Door Policy

The Guardian Council and Officer Corps exist to serve the members of our organization. The Guardian Online Gaming Community is dedicated to providing the safest and most enjoyable environment possible for those who participate in our activities. For this reason, an open dialogue must always be encouraged between the membership and leaders of the organization. If a problem or concern arises, no member should hesitate to bring it to the attention of an Officer or Councilor. Members may approach any Councilor or Officer they feel comfortable speaking to through any venue they feel is appropriate. If that Officer or Council member is unable to find a resolution, they will forward the issue to the individual who can. This Open Door Policy exists for all Guardian members and encompasses any issue or problem that may arise.

Section IV.b – The Guardian Leader’s Code

The Leader’s Code is a set of core values that all members of the Guardian Council and Guardian Officer Corps are expected to follow.

Leadership – A Guardian Leader will strive to lead by example, always serving as a role-model for members to emulate.

Patience – A Guardian Leader will display patience and understanding in all situations. He or she will confront problems and situations with a level of poise and control that exemplifies the Guardian Code.

Honesty – A Guardian leader will be forthright in their dealings with others, representing their positions and intentions to others with honesty and accuracy and without deception.

Empathy – A Guardian Leader will put themselves in the shoes of their members, doing their utmost to recognize, perceive and understand issues as they arise and keep open the lines of communication that solve or prevent such issues.

Trustworthiness – A Guardian Leader will always keep the confidence of fellow Guardians, never divulging information to which their rank allows them access in an inappropriate fashion.

Reliability – A Guardian leader will remain active in their position and in the organization as a whole, conducting their assigned duties faithfully at the direction of the Guild Leader and Guardian Council.

Wisdom – A Guardian Leader will make fair and just decisions for the betterment of TG as a whole, exercising prudence, insight and knowledge of the Code and Policies of this organization.

Article II – Member Conduct

All members of The Guardians are committed to behaving in a manner becoming of the community. In general, this is expected to be in the manner of a mature, courteous adult. Specifically, they shall strive towards behavior in accordance with The Code and The Creed as well as observing the General Rules of Conduct. Members that preside in either a Guardian Officer Corps or the Guardian Council shall further be expected to adhere to the Leadership Code.

Section I – The Guardian Code

The goal of The Guardians is to unite like-minded individuals under a common code in order to form a fun, safe, organized and lasting community for the purpose of gaming and other online activities. The Guardian Code, to which every member is sworn, is a set of six values meant to guide us in our efforts to accomplish this goal.

Camaraderie – A Guardian will treat fellow guild mates with respect and courtesy at all times; never harboring ill will or grudges and always fostering a spirit of brotherhood.

Loyalty – A Guardian will remain loyal to TG and uphold the values for which we stand. Guardians should never conspire with groups who hold values contradictory to our own.

Honor – A Guardian will do his or her utmost to represent TG in all aspects of life. Guardians should refrain from any activity that would bring shame to our organization and be exemplary models of our values for anyone they may encounter in our online activities.

Maturity – A Guardian will be respectful and mindful of others, members and non-members alike. If asked to “tone it down” or stop using inappropriate language, a Guardian will readily comply.

Integrity – A Guardian will always protect information deemed to be private within TG. Guardians should never leak private information to outsiders.

Duty – A Guardian will remain active in our community by participating in any of our online activities or maintaining communication through our website and forums. Guardians who become inactive without notice are subject to removal from our roster.

Section II – The Guardian Creed

I know why I am here. I know why I wake up every morning with the satisfying feeling that I am a part of a greater glory. I walk this path because it is what I have chosen. I am on this path because tyranny has forced me here; as freedom is my mainstay.

I take up arms against the evil in order to remain true to my own values. I ride the edge of a blade and teeter into the depths of peril because it is who I am. I maintain vigilance as a protector because that is my vocation. I exist to serve as the hammer of justice against the enemies of the just, my brethren. I believe in the common spirit that unites those yearning for salvation. I believe in the cause and I believe in me.

I am the liberty that will never be oppressed. I am the cleansing sanitation of the festering contagion. I am the defender of the helpless. I am hope, I am integrity, and I am unyielding in the pursuit of my convictions.

I am the guiding light of truth and I am the retribution of murdered allies and family members. I am the torch of honor and beacon of respect. I am the fiery might of valor and relentless defiance. I am the culmination of a thousand fears of villainy against my beliefs and those of my family. I am the conqueror of darkness and the defender of the weak. I am the pursuer of freedom and I am the stalwart last stand of an ideal.

I am one of many.

I am a Guardian.

Section III – The TG Naming Policy

Guardian Members must never choose names that are offensive to others. Names that are sexually explicit, contain offensive language or include references of an intentionally defamatory or derogatory nature towards any group are strictly prohibited. This policy includes names used throughout any medium of communication used by the Guardian organization.

Section IV – Disciplinary System

The Guardians strive to maintain a safe and fun environment for the members of our organization and the communities we interact with. While we hold our members to the highest standards, indiscretions do happen and situations do arise. Thus we have created a simple and straightforward disciplinary system to handle problems we may be faced with.

Section IV.a – Possible Disciplinary Actions

Guardians who are found guilty of minor rule, policy or code violations by officers or Councilors will be subject to disciplinary action that is suitable for the offense committed. Punishments may include any or all of the following:

  • verbal warning
  • suspension from in-game activities
  • suspension from forum participation
  • temporary removal from TG
  • formal written apology to the organization
  • expulsion from TG

Section V – The Guardian Honors System

The Guardian Honors System is our way of recognizing and awarding our members for their contributions and achievements here in The Guardians. The system is designed to allow the guild and its members to recognize achievements in an efficient and easy manner. It is the responsibility of the Assistant Guild Leader to maintain the system, investigate and approve nominations, and award the honors granted to our members. Any member of The Guardians has the right to nominate a fellow Guardian for an award based on the criteria outlined for the awards below. If the nomination is accepted an announcement will be made and the member may immediately begin displaying their award in their forum signature. The Guild Leader and Assistant Guild Leader also reserve the right to present awards at their discretion if they see actions they feel deserve recognition.

Section V.a – The Nomination and Award Process

  • If you wish to nominate another Guardian for an award you need to send a private message (PM) to the Assistant Guild Leader (AGL) with the nomination. (see sample PM format below)
  • The AGL will contact you to let you know he/she received your nomination and request any additional information required for consideration.
  • The AGL will then spend about a week’s time investigating the nomination and the validity of the member’s achievements when pertaining to the award he/she has been nominated for. The AGL will keep the nomination confidential if possible however at this step it may be necessary to speak in private with the nominee’s direct leadership or others who may be aware of the actions/achievements in question. The name of the Guardian who submitted the nomination will not be disclosed.
  • At the conclusion of the investigation the AGL may either a) approve the nomination at which time he/she will inform the recipient and make a news post on the forums, deny the nomination at which point the AGL will PM the nominator and inform them of his/her decision, or c) decide to award the nominee a different award that more appropriately suits their achievement/accomplishment.

Section V.b – Sample Layout of a Recommendation Letter

I hereby nominate [Person’s Name] for the [insert Mark of Honor here].

[Next detailed here is how the nominee has made a significant contribution in their particular area of activity. Keep in mind, these should be people of exemplary service with an emphasis on personal achievement, selfless service to the community or individual in need, or of course accomplished something in a way that has brought particular distinction to The Guardians. Please include as much detail as possible, and if possible please have others who witnessed said action or agree with said view included in this statement, so we can contact them for further information and confirmation. Their is no restriction on length, please be as detailed as possible.]

[Your Name]

Article III – Conditions of Membership

In order to maintain the integrity of our organization, certain criteria must be met in order to maintain membership in The Guardians. The following section addresses the entry of new members into the organization, the requirements for maintaining membership, rules governing membership in other online organizations and circumstances under which membership may be lost.

Section I – Joining The Guardians

The Guardian recruiting process is designed to provide a single, simple process for use across all Divisions and in the organization as a whole. Applicants must committ to play in at least one Official Guardian Division or a game that is in the Planning & Discussion phase for a future Division. Once an applicant has been accepted as a member, they are a member in all Guardian Divisions. The ten step application process is as follows:

  • The applicant will register on the TG forums.
  • The applicant will complete the application.
  • The applicant will make a post on the Introduction Forum.
  • The Director of Personnell (DoP) will screen the application for completion and quality, posting acceptable applications in the Recruiting Forum.
  • The DoP will assign a Recruiting Officer (RO) to the applicant.
  • The DoP will send a welcome PM to the applicant (and a carbon copy to the RO), informing them who their assigned RO is.
  • The RO will contact the applicant either in-game, or via forum PM to introduce themselves and extend an in-game invite (where applicable.)
  • The application will remain active in the Recruiting Forum for a minimum of seven days. During this time, members will post about their interactions with the applicant and make recommendations for or against granting membership to TG.
  • At the end of the seven day initiation period, the RO will make a final decision regarding membership.
  • The RO will then inform the applicant of their decision, conduct a swearing in ceremony in any appropriate venue and make the necessary roster adjustments in-game and on the forums.

Section II – Maintaining Membership

Members must prioritize their activity with The Guardians in games where The Guardians maintain an active division. No member shall keep a character with another guild on the same sever as The Guardians while also maintaining characters within TG. If a member chooses to play in a different guild on a server where an active Guardian Division exists, the Division Leader may deny the member access to TG resources within the game and, submit that member to the Guild Leader for revocation of membership. Any and all exceptions to this rule must be approved in advance by the Guild Leader or Division Leader of the game in question.

A Guardian should do their best to remain an active member of the community. Guardians who are not actively playing a game with one of our divisions should still make an effort to visit the forums and participate in other community activities. If a Guardian wishes to take an extended leave of absence, they should let us know via the Leave of Absence forum on the Guardian website. Members who are not heard from for more than one year and do not leave notice of their absence on the forums will be subject to removal at the discretion of the Guardian Council.

Section III – Resignation of Membership

While The Guardians strive to be a lasting organization where members remain for many years, we understand that people will choose to resign their membership from time to time. We encourage any member who wishes to resign their membership to think long and hard about this decision before doing so. Upon resignation of membership, all access to restricted forums and other Guardian assets will be forfeited. A grace period may be given to allow a former member to say their goodbyes, but this is at the discretion of the Guardian Council. Any former member who decides to return to TG wil be required to submit an application in accordance with the normal guidelines set forth in the Guardian Recruiting Process.

Section IV – Revocation of Membership

Gross violations of the Guardian Charter, actions deemed to be abusive toward others or actions that threaten to damage the reputation of The Guardian Organization are grounds for immediate revocation of membership and any privileges associated within. If such a situation arises any Guardian Councilor or authorized Officer acting on their behalf may take action to remove the offender’s access to the organization in any game and across any medium of communication reserved for use by Guardian members.

In the event that a member violates minor rules or their actions negatively impact the overall well-being of the organization, the appropriate Guardian Councilor may temporarily suspend membership and submit a detailed request for revocation to the Guild Leader. Guardian Officers may not suspend membership in this manner unless acting on a direct order from a Guardian Councilor. A request for revocation must describe, in detail, all offensive actions and rule violations perpetrated by the accused member. The Guild Leader will collect any further information needed and make a final ruling either formally revoking or immediately reinstating membership. The Guild Leader may also levy other appropriate disciplinary action in lieu of revocation.

Article VI – Honored Symbols of The Guardians

The Guardians proudly hold dear several symbols, mottos and colors. As often as possible and appropriate, these should be used within our guilds in the games we play.

Section I – The Guardian Emblem

The Spartan Helm, sometimes depicted with a laurel wreath, has been used as the emblem of The Guardians since our inception in 2002. Ancient Spartans united together under a common set of laws in order to form a strong and proud civilization. Their feats and accomplishments are the stuff of legends still today. As Guardians, we also unite ourselves under a code in order to form a strong and capable organization. The laurel wreath, often seen with our emblem, represents the enduring quality of The Guardians and the honor with which we conduct ourselves.

Section II – The Guardian Motto

Libertas, Ara, Amplus, loosely translated means Freedom, Protection and Honor. Our motto highlights the benefits of being a Guardian and denotes the traits that set our organization apart from others. Our members choose to follow our code willingly, we protect each other faithfully and we represent one another with honor at all times.

Section III – The Guardian Slogan

“Guardians Lead the Way!” is our organization’s slogan and can often be heard as the rallying cry used when our members do battle. Adapted from another proud organization, the United States Army Rangers, we feel this slogan is representative of The Guardians because we strive to be front-runners in whatever endeavors we undertake.

Section IV – The Guardian Colors

Black and Gold are the colors we use for depictions of our Emblem and other symbols such as in game emblems when the official emblem cannot be used. Whenever a game allows guilds to choose colors for banners and other like guild items, these colors should be strongly considered unless there is particular reason that would make their use inappropriate in that title.

Article VII – The Amendment Process

Any Councilor may propose an amendment to the Guardian Charter. Members may propose an amendment directly to the Council by submitting it with the names of at least 10 supporting members. All proposals for Amendment will be posted for a minimum of 14 days in the Member Discussion forum to give members a chance to discuss the proposal and give feedback. At the end of the 14 days, the Guild Leader will call for a Council Vote. Amendments may be passed with a unanimous vote of the Guardian Council. All Guardian Council members must vote with a yea or nay and may not abstain. The results of the vote will be posted for member review.