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XenoThreat Spearhead Division / XTSPEAR

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Exploration

Leading the charge against tyranny, the XenoThreat Spearhead Division stands at the forefront of our fight. First into the fray, driven by relentless resolve and strategic might, we strike where it matters most. Join us in reclaiming the soul of the Empire.

We are XenoThreat.


UEE Navy Mainframe Terminal

Establishing Secure Link. . . Connection Confirmed: Welcome, Operator

$ ./TerrorTrack --affiliation XENOTHREAT_SPEARHEAD_DIVISION --show-members --priority

Dossier Human_Like_Creature
Dossier Aschamdon
Dossier Молли_JupeRouge
[##########⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀] 30%
⚠ Error: Malicious Termination Error
⚠ Reason: The system has been forcefully terminated by unauthorized access at memory address 0×000FACED.
⚠ Suggested Action: Perhaps strengthen your defences next time, if you wish to keep us out.

Message from XenoThreat Spearhead Division

“Attention UEE Navy, your futile attempts to track us have once again failed. We are the XenoThreat Spearhead Division, first into the fray, and the tip of the spear. Your systems are vulnerable, your defences weak. We strike where it matters most, and we will not be stopped. Prepare for the reckoning. We are XenoThreat.”


Leading the Charge Against Tyranny

Section I: Introduction

As members of the XenoThreat Spearhead Division, we are the vanguard of the revolution. We reject the complacency and betrayal of our so-called leaders who have sold our future to alien invaders and corporate overlords. Our mission is clear: to reclaim the honor, integrity, and sovereignty of Humanity. The Stanton system will be the proving ground where we demonstrate our resolve and commitment to this cause.

Section II: Core Principles

  1. Human Supremacy: We believe in the unparalleled potential of Humanity. Our species must not be diluted or subjugated by alien influence. The Human/Xi’an Trade Initiative is a direct threat to our autonomy and future.
  2. Anti-Corporate Stance: Corporations have become the puppet masters of our government, prioritizing profits over the well-being of citizens. We stand against this corporate tyranny and vow to dismantle their stranglehold on our society.
  3. Revolutionary Zeal: The time for passive resistance is over. We must take decisive and immediate action to reclaim control of our destiny. The XenoThreat Spearhead Division is committed to leading this charge with strategic precision and unyielding determination.

Section III: Operational Directives

  1. Strategic Strikes: Our operations will target key infrastructures and assets that symbolize and support the corrupt regime and its alien collaborators. Each strike will be meticulously planned and executed to maximize impact and minimize unnecessary casualties.
  2. Relentless Resolve: We will maintain unwavering discipline and focus in our efforts. Every member of the Spearhead Division is expected to embody the highest standards of loyalty, courage, and sacrifice.
  3. Propaganda and Recruitment: We will spread our message far and wide, rallying more to our cause. Through both overt and covert means, we will expose the lies of our enemies and inspire others to join our fight.

Section IV: Commitment to Victory

Our struggle is not for the faint-hearted. It requires the utmost dedication and willingness to face insurmountable odds. The XenoThreat Spearhead Division stands ready to lead this fight, to be the tip of the spear in the battle for Humanity’s future.

For Humanity and Freedom. Join Us!

The Commander, XenoThreat Spearhead Division


Article I: Purpose and Mission

  1. The XenoThreat Spearhead Division is established with the primary purpose of vehemently opposing alien influence within the United Empire of Earth (UEE), advocating for the purity and sovereignty of humanity against all extraterrestrial threats.
  2. The Division staunchly opposes the pervasive grip of corporate dominance, rejecting the exploitation and subjugation of human interests by profit-driven entities.
  3. As the vanguard of the XenoThreat movement, the Division leads the charge in executing strategic initiatives aimed at dismantling UEE control, undermining corporate power structures, and instigating revolutionary change.

Article II: Membership

  1. Membership in the XenoThreat Spearhead Division is open to individuals who share our anti-alien, anti-corporate and revolutionary views.
  2. Members are encouraged to join our Discord server, affectionately veteran software from the years 2010s, our primary communication platform. Here, they can engage with fellow members and participate in Division activities. Running on battle-tested algorithms, our Discord server ensures reliability and security for our operations.

Article III: Operations

  1. The XenoThreat Spearhead Division conducts operations in accordance with the principles of strategic planning, precision execution, and maximum impact.
  2. Operations may include but are not limited to sabotage, piracy, guerrilla warfare, and targeted strikes against UEE Military, corporate assets, and high-value targets.
  3. Members are expected to demonstrate discretion, discipline, and adherence to operational protocols at all times.

Article IV: Code of Conduct

  1. Members of the XenoThreat Spearhead Division are bound by a strict code of conduct, which prohibits actions that jeopardize the security or integrity of the Division.
  2. The code of conduct emphasizes loyalty, integrity, discretion, and respect for fellow members.
  3. Violations of the code of conduct may result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the Division.