• Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Welcome to XS///Squadron, Home of the Badasses!! Need an escort? We got yer back. Have a delicate job that needs doing? We’re your huckleberry. Delicate…not so much.


XS LEGION have been a gaming conglomerate for 10 years, with a predominantly adult roster. Starting with Call of Duty (1) , Joint Ops, into Battlefield 2142 where we participated in the Conflict 2142 war simulation community. We maintained popular servers through all the games until the Call of Duty server model switched to Steam. Our members have become close friends over the years and we have yearly get togethers with attendance from some of our UK members.

XS approaches gaming with a vigor typically reserved for the younger generation of gamers and our Ventrilo server has very few rules, so the weak of heart are not welcome.


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