Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Xebon Interstellar / XEBON

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

From Xi’an space to Vanduul, from Banu trade hubs to the majestic cities of the UEE. Xebon Interstellar extends its influence across the vast reaches of the ‘verse. Join us and find honour and glory amongst our ranks.


Humble Beginnings

Joel Xocliw, Conrad Larson, and Coen Magma. Three kids growing up on the oldest planet in the UEE. Xocliw and Larson hail from England and its ancient cities, whilst Magma once resided in the region once known as the Netherlands. The three met when their parents all shipped out to the Horus system to aid in terraforming efforts there.

The three continued their childhood on Serling. As it drew to a close Larson signed up with the military whilst Magma and Xocliw went the way of civilian pilots. Larson became a warfare officer working as a helmsman aboard the UEE’s capital ships whilst Magma and Xocliw got to grips with the sticks and pedals of the smaller craft operated in the verse.

The three stayed in touch over the years with Magma and Xocliw working together on various jobs. It wasn’t until an op went wrong though that Larson found himself marooned in the Idris system, left for dead by the crew he had lived and served with. If it hadn’t been for Magma and Xocliw tracking him down Larson would’ve died, and so he ended his commission as only dead men can and began working with his two oldest friends once more.

The start of Xebon

Now the three were reunited, they began searching for ways to build their fortune. Exploration, salvage, supply runs, the trio took what they could get. For a time things went well; the money flowed in steady and they now operated a Freelancer together.

Then everything changed when a small-scale data retrieval mission in the Oberon system went badly wrong. Their ship was attacked by pirate raiders, and in their attempts to escape they took a dangerous risk and jumped through to Caliban in Vanduul space. Ok it was true that the system was once UEE, but now only Vanduul seemed to remain.

The three ran for the asteroid belt, and it was here that they made an amazing discovery. In amongst the huge rocks, banged up though she was, lay an Idris-P frigate. Her hangar was locked, and so they boarded through her airlocks. Inside they found her logs. This ship was abandoned when the UEE pulled out of the system. Better yet, her hangar held a number of craft still inside.

They opted to dump the Freelancer. Useful though it was, it paled in comparison to the jackpot they now had at their fingertips. Larson took the helm and immediately felt at home. Xocliw, though never a military commander, was always their group’s commander, and took his place behind Larson on the bridge. Magma did what he could and made sure she could actually fly and fight. They gunned it for jump point back to Oberon, and smashed through the raiders on their way home.

Raising the Xebon Challenger

So now they had an Idris. They claimed her and her craft as their own but they needed a crew to really use her to her full. Their first stop was to find someone to fix her systems and look after her insides. This came in the form of an engineer from Chronos. Going only by the name of Qestroy, he was one of the men working on Project Archangel. The UEE were not happy to see him go, but nor could they actually stop him from doing so. The promise of a whole frigate for him to maintain alone was too much, and their motley crew increased its ranks by one.

They remained docked with the Archangel station for a time whilst Qestroy set about repairing their ship. During this time Larson, growing bored of long days with nothing to do, invented a card game that he named Trigger as a way to pass the time. It was also during their time of repair and refit that the original trio sat down and decided on a name for their ship and their little organisation moving forward.

Xocliw recounted a word from their past, Xebon. It was a word that was once attached to a place on Serling where they would go on adventures, seeking some kind of childhood glory. To them, the word spoke of adventure, of glory, of honour, of reward, and of tales to be told around a campfire under the open sky. It was the perfect word to describe them now. But it was rooted on Serling, and to be set free it needed to be more. From this Xebon Interstellar was born, and how better to carry their name through the verse? With a mighty challenger. Their Idris now had her name.

The final pieces of the puzzle

They had an engineer, they had a ship, it had a name. Things were moving along. Xocliw registered Xebon Interstellar with official UEE records, and the crew made ready to depart Archangel station. As they did, they were approached by a scientist from the project. He was looking to join Xebon Interstellar and travel away from Chronos so that he could work on his inventions. This man, named Nino G’Fleka, was given permission to do so by the UEE, as it was believed his work would benefit all mankind. Xebon Interstellar had just gained a science officer.

They set out aboard the Xebon Challenger, fulfilling bigger missions, going further into unexplored and unclaimed space, and bringing home bigger rewards. On one such mission seeking fortune in Stanton they passed through Pyro, and there in the Akiro Cluster they picked up the signal of a pirate radio station. The crew homed in on the signal and found a Cutlass wherein its sole crewman, an independent by the name of Mook, was broadcasting his messages.

The crew took him on-board and offered him a place to serve in a more legitimate role, broadcasting for Xebon Interstellar and flying for her as well. Mook was the final member of the org up to the present day. The six scour the verse, offering their services.

The story from here is up to you. Xebon Interstellar will keep on flying, it’s your choice if you’ll be a part of that legacy.


Goals and Objectives

Xebon Interstellar is a far-reaching organisation, with the means to travel all across the known verse and deep into the unknown. It would be unwise for anybody with such options to have no idea what they’re doing, which is why Xebon Interstellar has put together its own goals as well as attainable objectives to achieve those goals.


  1. To protect and serve:
    Xebon Interstellar is in some ways similar to a PMC, with a sizeable mil-spec force capable of bringing the fight to any corner of the galaxy. Xebon Interstellar intends on using this for the good of the UEE.
  2. To train a new generation of citizens:
    Xebon Interstellar’s Captain Larson is a veteran of the UEE and the Vanduul wars and intends on taking civilians and veterans like himself and moulding them into an organised force to rival the UEE’s own military.
  3. To expand the quantity of human knowledge:
    By pushing our research into new areas, looking at new information out there in the verse or creating new technologies, Xebon Interstellar will add its own wealth of data to what we already know, helping humanity progress and evolve.
  4. To explore new horizons:
    Using Xebon Interstellar’s fleet of exploration vessels we will dive into the realms of the unknown, finding new jump points, new systems, and new worlds.
  5. To create an immortal legacy:
    Xebon Interstellar’s ultimate goal is to plant its name firmly in the pages of history, becoming an integral part of humanity’s story.


  1. Build a 100-ship fleet.
    There is strength in numbers. As such our first objective is to acquire a large number of ships so that the organisation can field members to every reach of the galaxy.
  2. Organise our first standing battlegroup.
    At this point in time the exact numbers for this battlegroup are undetermined. However for our military state to be worth a damn we will need to a strong mix of ships, based around the Xebon Challenger as a flagship.
  3. Acquire and arm a Javelin-Class Destroyer.
    Certainly the biggest single objective for the military side of the organisation. Having an operational Javelin, preferably with a marine dropship for the hangar, will grant us a vast boost in our military superiority.


Two halves of one whole.

Xebon Interstellar’s charter is split into two sections, the internal charter and the external charter. These two parts deal with the rules our members must abide by when interacting with other members of the organisation, or persons outside our ranks.

This distinction and different set of standards was laid down by Captain Conrad Larson, who felt that a more military doctrine would foster a strong dependable organisation the verse could rely on.

External Charter.

  1. Abide by local law.
    We are not criminals or outlaws. We stand above the raiders and the pirates and stand as an example of true justice and goodwill. To this end, always look to stay within the bounds of local laws.
  2. Treat everyone equally.
    Everyone is different with their own stories and own personalities. Looks can be deceiving and even someone who on the surface appears like a threat could be a valuable ally. Don’t jump to conclusions without good reason, and give everyone equal and fair treatment.
  3. Shoot second.
    In the event of any hostilities between you and an outside citizen, do not be the one to fire first. Try to defuse the situation but be on guard and ready to use force if absolutely necessary.
  4. Wear the uniform with pride.
    You won’t always be on duty, and you won’t always be in uniform. If you are then present yourself as an upstanding member of our organisation. Do not gamble, drink, or partake in other more disreputable past-times whilst in uniform. Unless you are on duty you are allowed to change out of the uniform.

Internal Charter.

  1. Equality and Hierarchy.
    No one member of the organisation is better than any other. Like a starship itself, Xebon does not fly unless it possesses all its components and they are in good working order. Everyone is necessary for the continued operation of the fleet. However the hierarchy exists for a reason, and word of your superiors is law. Should you feel the law is being unnecessarily unfair to you, bring it to the attention of a member of command.
  2. Fraternisation.
    Intra-organisational relationships complicate matters. They can cloud judgement. However we recognise that you will feel the way you do regardless, thus fraternisation with colleagues is discouraged but not disallowed. Be mindful before entering any relationship, you will be judged more strictly by command.