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  • Corporation
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  • Trading
  • Smuggling

Get Wrekt, That is all


Wrekt Corp. emerged in the turbulent times of the 30th century when the frontier of space became a playground for those who were willing to operate in the morally ambiguous regions

Wrekt Corp. specializes in salvage and recovery services, utilizing state-of-the-art technology to extract valuable resources from derelict spacecraft, abandoned outposts, and warzones. The organization prides itself on taking on contracts that others would consider too risky or morally dubious.

In addition to salvage operations, Wrekt Corp. offers Private Military Company (PMC) escort services for high-risk cargo transports and exploration missions. This has led to the establishment of a formidable fleet capable of both defensive and offensive operations.

Recognizing the lucrative nature of the black market, Wrekt Corp. engages in the trade of illegal materials, ranging from contraband to stolen goods. Aboard the Wrekt Corp. Kraken you will be able to find any service or trade you may be looking for in the depths of space.

Wrekt Corp’s history is one of daring exploits, strategic cunning, and survival in the unforgiving depths of space. As the organization continues to navigate the ever-shifting landscape of the verse, one thing remains certain – where there’s wreckage, Wrekt Corp is never far behind.


In the vast expanse of the universe, where chaos and opportunity collide, there exists a frontier where the bold and cunning thrive. Wrekt Corp stands as a beacon in this tumultuous realm, forging a path through the wreckage of the past towards the promise of a profitable future. This manifesto encapsulates the principles that guide us, the adventurers, the salvagers, the mercenaries, united under the banner of Wrekt Corp.


Adaptability: The universe is a dynamic and ever-changing environment. Wrekt Corp embraces change, turning adversity into opportunity. We are adaptable, evolving with the shifting tides of space, always ready to navigate uncharted territories and emerge victorious.

Profitable Pragmatism: Wrekt Corp operates on the principles of profitable pragmatism. We recognize that in the pursuit of wealth, moral absolutes become blurred. Our actions are guided by a pragmatic approach, where the end justifies the means, and profit is the ultimate measure of success.

Unity in Diversity: Wrekt Corp is a collective of diverse talents and backgrounds. We value the unique skills each member brings to the organization. Unity in diversity strengthens our resilience and ensures that we can tackle any challenge the universe throws at us.

Ruthless Efficiency: In the cold vacuum of space, hesitation can be fatal. Wrekt Corp operates with ruthless efficiency, executing tasks with precision and speed. We do not shy away from the difficult decisions required to achieve our objectives, ensuring our dominance in salvage, trade, and military operations.

Secrecy and Discretion: The shadows are our allies. Wrekt Corp thrives on secrecy and discretion. What transpires within our ranks stays within our ranks. We operate beneath the radar, shielding our activities from the prying eyes of authorities and competitors alike.

Innovation and Technology: Wrekt Corp embraces innovation and technology as the keys to our success. We invest in cutting-edge salvage equipment, advanced weaponry, and state-of-the-art ships. Our commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements ensures our superiority in the competitive markets we engage in.


Wrekt Corp envisions a future where the boundaries between legality and illegality are blurred, where the remnants of the past become the foundation for our prosperity. We seek not only wealth but dominance in the arenas of salvage, trade, and military operations. Our vision is one of a universe shaped by our actions, where the wreckage we leave in our wake is a testament to our prowess.


This manifesto is a testament to the spirit of Wrekt Corp, a declaration of our principles and vision. As we navigate the cosmos, leaving our mark on the stars, let this manifesto guide our actions, unite our efforts, and ensure the continued success of Wrekt Corp – a force to be reckoned with in the untamed wilderness of space. From the wreckage, we rise.


We, the members of Wrekt Corp, bound by our shared commitment to adventure, profit, and the pursuit of dominance in the vast expanse of space, do hereby establish this charter to govern our organization. Wrekt Corp, born from the wreckage and shaped by the relentless pursuit of success, adheres to the principles outlined herein.

Article I: Name and Purpose

1.1 Name: The organization shall be known as Wrekt Corp.

1.2 Purpose: Wrekt Corp exists for the primary purpose of engaging in salvage and recovery operations, private military company escort services, and the trade of materials, including but not limited to those of a morally dubious or illegal nature.

Article II: Membership

2.1 Eligibility: Membership in Wrekt Corp is open to individuals with skills and talents deemed valuable to the organization. Prospective members must undergo a thorough evaluation process.

2.2 Conduct: Members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the reputation of Wrekt Corp. Loyalty, discretion, and adherence to the principles outlined in the manifesto are paramount.

2.3 Leadership: The organization shall be led by a Council, consisting of the Founders and appointed leaders responsible for various aspects of Wrekt Corp’s operations.

Article III: Operations

3.1 Salvage and Recovery: Wrekt Corp shall engage in salvage and recovery operations with the objective of extracting valuable resources from wreckage, derelict spacecraft, and other strategic locations.

3.2 Private Military Company Services: The organization shall provide escort services to high-risk cargo transports, exploration missions, and other ventures requiring military-grade protection.

3.3 Trade: Wrekt Corp may engage in the trade of materials, including but not limited to contraband, stolen goods, and rare artifacts. The organization shall operate within the boundaries set forth by the Council.

Article IV: Headquarters

4.1 Location: The main operational hub of Wrekt Corp shall be strategically located on the fringes of the Stanton system within a hidden asteroid belt, serving as the organization’s primary base of operations.

4.2 Security: The location of the headquarters is classified and known only to authorized members. Security measures shall be implemented to ensure the confidentiality and safety of the organization.

Article V: Amendments

5.1 Amendments: This charter may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Council. Proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing and undergo a thorough review process before being voted upon.

Article VI: Dissolution

6.1 Dissolution: In the event that the organization faces insurmountable challenges or a unanimous decision by the Council, Wrekt Corp may be dissolved. Assets shall be liquidated, and remaining resources distributed among active members.