Supply or Die

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  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Exploration

Windsong Flight School a Great Place to Learn, and Chill. All are Welcome, We are Not Elitist.


My spirit is a song.
My body is the air.
I am the force that brings the change.
I am the wind, the rain the sky.
I cares, I kiss, I kill,

I am the Windsong.



… 1% … ZZZ … 2% … ZZZ … 3% … ZZZ … 6% …

Welcome to Windsong Flight School Windsong Flight School a great place to learn, and chill. All are welcome, we are not elitist.
  • A group of players learning from each other, sharing their knowledge.
  • Discover the verse, the mechanics, the basic tactics, and maneuvers. To give the chance, to anybody who want, to become a Ace.
  • No judgments, no obligations or restrictions, everyone welcome what-ever their gameplay is, from transporters to pirates.
  • A flight-school, not a main organisation, no commitment required.
  • A flight-school without politics and in game dramas (whatever happened out of the school, stays out of the school).

Inspiration – Lafayette Escadrille
Windsong is inspired by the first great flight school of earth, ‘Lafayette Escadrille,’ 1916. A French volunteer pilot squadron in World War in named in honor of the Marquis de Lafayette, hero of the American and French revolutions., whose mascot was two lion cubs Whiskey, and Soda.

A History of Approach – The Flying Tigers
Like ‘The Flying Tigers,’ Windsong’s approach to space combat flight is based on our study, and observation of space tactics, strategy, and equipment, used by the AI and Elite Squadrons combined with the judgment of the strengths and weaknesses of own spacecraft and pilots.

Windsong Flight School – an amazing band of Brothers and Sisters, united under with one goal, “to fly and get good.”

Windsong Pilots Pub open to all.



Our vision is to inspire a “Esprit de corps” a spirit of enthusiasm, devotion, skill and strong regard for the honor of the group.

Welcome to Windsong flight school! Whatever your dream for Star Citizen, you will need to become a great pilot.

• Learn, put time in the seat, and “Get Good” ~ CR

Whether you want to learn to fly for fun, aspire to be a professional, Explorer, Bounty Hunter, Pirate, or Freelancer, or wish to rent spacecraft for business or leisure, we offer the most affordable flight lessons, and spacecraft rental rates in the universe.

• Flight School is a journey that tests your desire, time, and willingness to find a learning opportunity in each defeat.

Windsong was founded to make that journey less rocky, and fun filled as possible with the hope of building gamesmanship and solidifying friendships in the process.

• We do not care what activities you wish to follow, we welcome all. we have one main rule, “what happens in the PU stays in the PU.”

Windsong unites pilots, and flight instructors with a large diverse fleet of spacecraft for flight training and recreational flying… all in a fun, friendly, respectful, environment without politics, metagaming, and drama.

• With ‘Perma-death’ every pilot needs to be knowledgeable in the art of self-defense and preservation

Windsong offers the challenges and rewards of a Space Flight School that is sophisticated enough to prepare you for the PU, yet friendly enough to accommodate effective learning, without diplomatic squabbles.

Learn to fly like the Windsong – Come fly with the best.

Windsong’s Mission, Vision, Values and Goals

Windsong’s Mission is train all who have the ‘Guts” to learn. To give professional space flight training to all students. We will work diligently to help our pilots reach their goals. We will always act in a professional manner.

Whether the student’s goal is to become a Privateer, Freelancer, Pirate, or Space-hobo we do not judge. We teach you to fly.

We give a level of education in professional space flight training, ships, maneuvers tactics and combat that will allow each student to meet their ultimate goals.

We have a learning environment that will help you improve, and reach your goals. We will recognize that all student’s experiences are varied, consequently we will be there to give additional training, and the moral support along the way. We will aid our students, and help them to overcome obstacles en route to becoming, “The Best Pilot They Can Be.”

Windsong’s Vision is to create an organization focused on giving Flight training, teaching space maneuvers, learning each ships strengths and weaknesses and apply that to flight, tactics, strategy, and Combat for all.

Windsong Values “Esprit de corps” a spirit of enthusiasm, integrity, teamwork, and most of all… “Gut’s” to train, and fly regularly to achieve flight skill with a strong regard for the honor of the group.

Windsong’s Goal is to be known as the best Flight School in the verse. To transcend petty org politics, judgments, and community meta gaming. To be a place all can have fun.

Come have a Pint or Whiskey, and Soda at the Bar to chat some more. open to all.


Code of Conduct
Windsong flight school members shall treat each other with integrity, courtesy, and respect. As an active social and networking group we come together to fly, train, learn, and share our knowledge about ships, loadouts flight tactics and strategies.

Windsong functions as natural territory for all. No organization activity and/or business can be conducted at the Windsong flight school. For example, any carrying out bounty hunting contracts or other forbidden discussions will result in immediate expulsion.

If you break this rule, you will incur heavy penalties from the establishment including the revocation of your membership as well as death by chocolate or worse.

Like the Continental Hotel in John Wick, we have our own rules, as stated above.

All members are expected to have the strength and skills to face combat tempered with chivalry.
  • No Politics
  • No Judgment
  • No Derogatory Discussions of other Orgs or their Members
  • No Community Metagaming
  • No Drama

A flight-school without politics and in game dramas (whatever happened out of the school, stays out of the school).

We teach you how to fly to infinity, and Beyond. We help you learn to navigate the black.

Winsdsong Flight School- Learn to fly like the Windsong -Come fly with the best.

Competitive Class Rates and Ship Hire – We take in game UEC, gifts, and favors.
• Basic Flight 101. Know Your Ship
• Discover Flight Basic Training. Learn Not to Crash.
• Intermediate Flight Skills
• Advanced Flight Strategy and Tactics: The Key to Team Success
• Paramilitary Combat Pilot Training.
• Wingman Training
• Squadron Flight
• Tactics and Ships – From Escort To Patrol
• Stealth Low Signature Flight to Strategic First Strike
• Search and Rescue Box Flying
• Private One on One Pilot Training.

Windsong Flight School Is Always Looking for Great Instructors… Apply Today!

After Windsong flight school you can advance to a university of your choice