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Waystellar Industries / WAYSTELLAR

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Waystellar Industries specializes in complete solutions. Our company has the knowledge and experience to take on any kind of project no matter how large or small. You are guaranteed a solution to your project with the utmost professionalism and creativity.


Waystellar Industries was founded in 2546 by a group of traders and pilots looking to profit in the star systems closest to Sol. From the beginning, our goal has been to provide fast, efficient service at competitive prices.

Pilots, Logistics, Explorers, Engineers, and Contractors — they open the galaxy to trade and commerce. Waystellars Industries maintains a diverse work force that is embedded across the “verse”. They discover new systems, natural resources, industries, trade opportunities and technological advancements. As these discoveries evolve and manifest, Waystellars Industries realizes higher profitability and enhanced customer satisfaction.

WSI is designed to handle any challenge!


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


The FCA is divided into 5 Sections, of which 2 are known so please be patient as the information is disseminated.

The Fair Chance Act (FCA) is a law adopted by the UEE in 2795 and ratified by Erin Toi. It disallows terraforming and mining of planets inhabited by species that can evolve intelligence. Additionally, it prevents human contact and involvement by disallowing or restricting the entering of the protected systems and planets, called Sanctuaries. In the Starmap, FCA protected systems are named “Developing Systems”. All Developing Systems are part of the United Empire of Earth.

  • I. Principles
  • II. Designation of Developing Species
  • III. Terraforming Articles and Conditions
  • IV. Resources for Ecological Protection
  • V. Judicial Review and Criminal Prosecution

Section I, Article 1

The aim of this Act is to protect the lives & well-being of species-hereafter Species, on planets who have not developed but possess the reasonable capacity for evolution into intelligence, based on the responsibility of human beings for their fellow creatures. No one may cause a Species pain, suffering or harm without good reason.

Section II, Article 2

Designation of Developing Species
Upon discovery of a new planet &/or system, an independent panel consisting of United Empire of Earth representatives, exobiologists, & Corp engineers, heretofore collectively known as Panel will:

  1. Run non-invasive scans & assessments on each planet in the system to understand whether life is already developing;
  2. Submit all reports & present findings to United Empire of Earth Senate Subcommittee on Expansion & Development;
  3. Monitor & maintain the ecological sanctity of any planet deemed Developing by conclusion between Independent Panel & Subcommittee to protect development of species.

Article 2a

  1. Panel will develop & present system of criteria to determine what classifies as a ‘developing species.’
  2. The United Empire of Earth Subcommittee on Expansion & Development shall be empowered, in agreement with the Imperator & Senate, to issue ordinances, with the consent of the High-Secretary. It may, in particular,
  • 1. Classify a world as a Sanctuary. In which,
  • (1a.) All indigenous lifeforms are to be left untouched from any human involvement; (1b.) Any attempt to terraform or extract resources, be they biologic or mineral, will result in Criminal prosecution as laid out in Section V;2.
  • 2. Divert military resources to maintain the sanctity of protected world, with the consent & help of the High Command.

Protected FCA Systems & Planets

Cano System: Carteyna was placed under the Fair Chance act in 2902.
Garron System: As a result of the Massacre of Garon II.
Genesis System: Genesis II is inhabited by two species.
Kallis System: A young system with forming and cooling protoplanets.
Kellog System: Life on Kellog II (Xis).
Oso System: Oso II is inhabited by a tribal society, called Osoians, the most advanced species protected by the FCA.
Tamsa System: 2945 under temporary survey. Closed for the public.


Gurzil is a very young system with forming protoplanetary disks. His Status is debated since 2795. Mining is restricted in the green band.
Min’s status is debated. Min 1b shows early life, but the System has no valuable resources and is not claimed by the UEE.