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  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Scouting

Welcome to The Way, are you seeking your place and path in the dark expanse of the Infinite? Rejoice and join hands, together we can sail the countless sea of stars along the true path, that is The Way!

The Wayfinders of the Order are eager to help!


Founded in the 23rd century as a Knightly Order dedicated to exploration and charting the unknown. The Wayfinders of the Order of The Way were originally a paramilitary arm of a reclusive religious sect with a small colony on Mars. Serving the colony as scouts and mapping jump points to other systems.

Highly Successful at finding and charting safe routes, the Wayfinder Knights established dozens of colonies in the name of their faith, led by their first Paladin and Knight General, Telian Carran.

In the early 26th century, the Wayfinder Colony on mars met with disaster in the form of plague. It’s origins unknown, the colonies population was decimated beyond sustainability and it was quarantined, then destroyed by Knight General Yeddin Vul by orbital bombardment when it was determined no cure could be found for the highly contagious neuro-virus affecting the “First City.”

The Order took a nomadic approach to it’s hierarchy going forward. Individual Knight Generals would build fleets of explorers to seek new discoveries and to protect existing colonies. Knight Colonels sworn to Knight Generals would lead Knight Captains and their subsequent Knights, Squires and Apprentices, with the various Knight Generals receiving direction from the Paladin, wherever he was. No longer tied to a “capital’ colony.

The order enjoyed a significant period of expansion over the next 2 centuries, serving various corporations, and governments like the UEE, as Scouts, Cartographers, Diplomats and Explorers. Over the last 100 years, the order began to wane, as their nomadic and somewhat tribal lifestyle began to see the defection of Knight Generals from the central authority of the Paladin. With the Death of the last Paladin, Gendis Hyul, and the Rise of the newest Paladin of the The Way, Knight General Onamii Sunamii, the order looks to the future with trepidation and excitement.


We seek all, and above all, The Way.

The journey is all, the stars themselves sacrosanct. We seek to the find the way to everything, everywhere. The Wayfinders seek all that is hidden and unknown, for in knowledge and wisdom we find that which is divine. Our mandate from the great expanse is clear, seek and discover!

The Universe has endless wonder for the Wayfinders to discover, with each new discovery we grow that much closer to perfection itself.

Never be still, always seek, that is The Way.


The Knights Order of The Way

Oath of a Wayfinder Knight;

Seek always, especially that which is beyond the next Horizon.
Record and document every new discovery.
Never refuse aid to the innocent.
Never intentionally harm your brothers and sisters.
Send 1% of your gains back to the Order to further it’s goals.
Always heed the call of the Paladin.
Eliminate Pirates and Criminals when given the opportunity.
Treat fairly and ethically with all.
Care for, provide for, and train, Apprentices, Squires and Knights in your command.

The Four Pillars
  • Your Discoveries are your own, treat fairly with your brothers and sisters.
  • Expand the Library of Humanity.
  • Seek to understand everything, Perfection in The Way comes from understanding the universe.
  • It is a cardinal sin to wontonly destroy unique knowledge, this includes the unique knowledge of an individual life.

The Code of the Aspirant
My Knight is my guide and my light, through my Knight I will find my way.
I am one with the will of my Paladin through the will of my Knight.
My sword is truth and my shield is honor, wielding these I will not falter.
The Way is knowledge and knowledge is the way to perfection.
I am the ambassador of the truth of The Way, my actions Herald it’s heart.
My eyes will always seek the unknown, the truth and The Way.

7 Sins of The Way
  1. Destruction of Knowledge
  2. Betrayal of the Oath, Code or Pillars
  3. Murder
  4. Theft of physical property
  5. Intentional torment of others
  6. Betrayal of your brothers and sisters
  7. Betrayal of the Paladin