Voratores Stellarum / VS13

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Social

We are Voratores Stellarum, the Star Eaters. We currently focus on industry and experimenting on what can and cannot be done within the Verse as it grows and expands. Currently we are more about the fun and social aspect of the Verse, and making some UEC along the way.


VORATORES STELLARUM was started in 2953 as an way to gather individuals who are interested in seeing everything that Star Citizen has to offer, with a focus on industry. We plan to adapt to new challenges as they come and develop friendships and connections with others as we grow, and foster a community of Citizens who are more interested in fun and interesting ways to do things in the Verse than just min/maxing the game.




As salvagers, miners, and cargo runners, we mainly stick to the less violent means to an end. However, we are not above getting dirty when the need arises. Occasionally, we may dip our toes into the seedy underbelly of the verse when it comes to the goods and commodities we handle and transfer. We do our best to look out for the “little guy” and each other. Our top priority is having fun, testing the best way to do things to improve efficiency, and making some money as we do it.


As an organization, we do not participate in piracy. As individuals, our members are free to do as they choose. We also do not require pure loyalty to the Organization. You are free to be a part of any group you would like. However, you will not be permitted to participate in acts of aggression or violence towards VS as a part of any other organization. In other words, if there are actions taken against us by another group you belong to, please recuse yourself from the activities.