Virtus Aerospace / VAO

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing


Founded in 2794 in response to the Perry Line pact, and named after a system lost in the peace deal, Virtus Aerospace was an organisation made to help ex-military personnel struggling to reintegrate to civilian life in the Kiel system. Many early members would deliver packages or data run intra-system, using their experience as military pilots.

However, as the system struggled to demilitarize and function commercially, and the UEE pulled away to focus on different fronts, VAO would change, using their training and expertise to make a living wherever they could. Many did whatever they could to survive, and the organisation grew exponentially, with many different dreams for VAO. This led to skirmishes between sects, all vying for control. In 2841, two main groups had formed, those who wished to create their own laws to live by, and those that wished to live by the UEE’s.

It wouldn’t be until 2845 that they met, and made a treaty. There would be three equal leaders at any given time, and that VAO would exist in the morally grey area.

Today, in 2951, VAO has spread from Kiel, and is now employed by the UEE Advocacy, the Bounty Hunters Guild, and other less-reputable brokers to undertake missions others would shy away from, across many systems. VAO is one of the finest security details you can hire, no matter who you are.


Security. Protection. Forward Operations.

Contact Colonel or above for our services. CS Rating does not matter for communication. Jobs will be accepted on a case by case basis.

Bravery. Strength. Valour.

No playtime requirement. Must be ready for combat. No required ships.

Virtue. Resolution. Excellense.

Be ready to work with others. Do not discriminate. Be sure in your path.



  1. Play how you like. We have members on the right side of the law, and members on the… less reputable side. We are a morally ambiguous organization, but you can be straight forward in your views.
  2. Do not grief, troll, or generally be a jackass. Not only would you dirty our name, but we wouldn’t enjoy playing with you.
  3. If something goes wrong, it’s Chris’ fault. Don’t question it.
  4. Be in our communication channels (i.e. our discord). If you need to join, contact a Colonel or above.
  5. Though we require a way to contact you, you don’t have to chat with us. We don’t require you to be active with us often, either. We would like to see our members active at least once a week, but we understand shit happens. Just try to hop on once a month or two.
  6. For legal reasons, we do NOT undertake illegal missions. While we have underground contacts, any actions against the law is from the person, and not sanctioned by the group.
  7. Though we focus on combat, whether it be in space or on ground, we do go mining or run cargo from time to time.
  8. Have fun. This is a game, and we’re here to enjoy ourselves, and we hope you are too. We look forward to playing with you.