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United Verseteers / UVERSE

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This Decleration recognizes the dignity,equality and unremovable rights to Life in Peace for all Sentient beeings. It stands as the Foundation of Interspecies and Intergalactic Peace,Freedom and Justice.

The Foundamental Rights to Prosper,Life in Peace and Speak without fears should be protected by all means and should not be threatend.
Article 1
All Sentient Lifeforms are Born free and Equal. They should act towards another in the Spirit of Unity and Equality.
Article 2
Everyone is entitled to all Rights and Freedoms in this Decleration, without distinction of any kind such as (but not limited to), Race,Ethnicity,Colour,Sex,Language,Religion,Political or other Opinion. Everyone is granted full Sovereignity no matter the Origin.
Article 3
Everyone has the Right to Life.
Article 4
No one shall be held in Slavery or Captivity or be abused in any ways.
Article 5
No one shall be subjected to Torture or other Cruel forms of Punishments.
Article 6
The Law treats everyone Equal. Nobody no matter the Origin is to be prefered in Courts.
Article 7
Everyone has the Right to call for Effective Remedy in the Case of Violation of these Fundamental Rights.
Article 8
No one shall be Arrested,Detained or Exiled without proper Juristiction
Article 9
Everyone is entitled to a Public and Equal weighted Tribunal to determine theyr rights and obligations aswell as criminal charges against them.
Article 10
Everyone charged according to Local or Interplanetary Law shall be prosecuted in ways that fully obey this Decleration and is to be called unguilty if not guaranteed called Guilty through evidence and a Public Trial.
Article 11
Nobody shall be subjected to arbitrary interference of theyr Home,Planet,Company,Family or any other type of Privat Spaces if not needed for investigation of Criminal Cases or to protect others.
Article 12
Everyone has the Rights of Free Movement and application to Life in other Regions of the Universe. Local Rights may apply.
Everyone has the rights to leave theyr Country,Planet,Company or any other type of Formation at any time.
Article 13
Everyone has the Right to own Property and to Prosper freely inside the Local and/or Interplanetary Rights.
Article 14
Everyone has the Right to Peacefully assemble and associate this includes any kind of Protests.
Article 15
Everyone has the Equal Rights to be Member of the Governing Part of theyr Country, Planet or Company. The will of the Sentient Lifeforms shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures
Article 16
Everyone has the Right to Work without any kind of Descrimination.
Everyone has the right to Equal Pay
Everyone has the Rights to Form or Join Unions to Protect own Interests
Article 17
A Attack on these Rights is a Attack on all Sentient Life and shall be Prosecuted as such.