Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


United Space Securities Association / USSA

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Trading


It’s an honor of fortune and luck to have you. May we all be rich very soon


The year is 2794 and The Ark project is proposed to start production later in the year. A group of individuals formed from loosely affiliated temporary labor contracts through the UEE have been placed on a job. The foreman for this group, known as Benedict Beuford Dawes notices that many workers are being displaced due to the eviction of the Meser family. He begins to gather up people that worked with him and soon the foundation for a company begins to take shape. The group of workers that Dawes puts together starts to get traction when others realize that the direction this collective is heading towards is providing a more stable environment then the gaps left by most other corps. Under Dawes and a few others that share in his vision draw more and more disparaged people, Dawes finally pulls the trigger and starts filing for official free contractor status under UEE statutes in June 17th 2795. Dawes names the new official organization, USSA or United Space Securities Association. The ARK project construction efforts during the later half of 2795 slowed down tremendously due to various factors. During this period of stagnation in the project Dawes and the newly formed USSA look to branch out to prevent financial downturns. Due to fortuitous connections made during initial work on the Ark Project, USSA begins assisting in humanitarian efforts after the ratification of the Fair Chance Act. This act stated that all mining and terraforming actions taken on planets that could “potentially” house intelligent life were prohibited. The Fair Chance Act would later be looked on as a major turning point for the USSA to flourish. Many stations and companies that were slated to conduct mining and terraforming operations had to have their equipment disassembled. A massive salvaging and recycling event was to be held and very few companies had their foot in the door to take advantage. It would later be known that the FCA would be the cause for many of the early facilities, ships and technological acquisitions that the USSA gained in their roster from the following several years that they were conducting these operations. Furthermore, the humanitarian efforts conducted during this period cemented goodwill and established blossoming rapport with many of the disenfranchised people scattered throughout the verse.





The organization as listed has the following responsibilities:

Ensuring the safety, security and overall well-being of its members and affiliates up to a certain degree unto where the detriment of long term sustainability for operational success is no longer achievable. Assembling all members for long-term security whether that be financial or otherwise, this assembling of all members will have a force-multiplier effect in order to enrich securities for a more stable future for the organization and all its members.

  • The following three divisions will be listed as being the main pillars for the organization’s hierarchy:
  • * Logistics Division
  • * Industrial Division
  • * Enforcement Division

Logistics Division is the branch that seeks market domination for all tradable assets in any given system.

  • * Also responsible for movement of assets whether they be in financial gain or strategic repositioning for humanitarian efforts, all in effort to achieve the main objective being Article 4.
  • * As per the name, logistics also applies strategic movement of necessary assets in support to adjacent fleets for operational success.

Industrial Division is focused on raw deliverables to be processed and handled in any given number of operations for which those materials are required

  • * Coordinated mining ops will be focused by the goals set forth from either Logistics or Enforcement.
  • * It is also the goal for all members and affiliates who fall under the jurisdiction of the Industrial division to be given full autonomy in regards to mining ops in an unofficial capacity.

The Enforcement Division handles all physical security that may be required for all other divisions to work free of undesirable interruptions.

  • *Is both the shield and the spear in coordinated operations where needed.
  • * Enforcement fleets may be partitioned off to other divisions in order to assist in mercantile deliverables and/or acquisitive assignments.