Welcome to the United Space Confederation!
The USC is a Star Citizen community of 350+ members. Our Collective Goal is to Create a Prosperous Governmental Faction in the Uncertain Universe that is Star Citizen. Use the links below to check us out today!
USC Story – USC Website – USC Forums – USC Citizenship Application – USC Instagram – USC BlueSky
USC Story – USC Website – USC Forums – USC Citizenship Application – USC Instagram – USC BlueSky
*All components of the USC are subject to change as we learn more about Star Citizen and its mechanics. USC citizens have the opportunity to help shape the group by providing input on many decision-making processes
USC Story – USC Website – USC Forums – USC Citizenship Application – USC Instagram – USC BlueSky
Citizens of the USC are all treated with equality and respect by the leaders, and Citizens are expected to behave the same to each other. The USC acknowledges that gamers come from diverse backgrounds, and use video games to escape the stresses of real life. Because of this, the USC aims to provide a pleasant, drama-free environment for Citizens to enjoy playing Star Citizen in. As such, only polite, mature, and responsible candidates need apply for USC Citizenship. It is recommended that applicants be over the age of 18. Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis. Overall you will be judged on your personality and treatment of others in the community, not your age. The USC operates on a zero-tolerance policy for needless drama, and Citizens who are found disturbing the peace are subject to immediate loss of USC Citizenship. If you have a direct problem with another member, please contact an Outreach Officer or Consul member to help deal with the situation.
USC Citizens are expected to uphold the name of the USC throughout the universe. You are not to do anything to harm the reputation of the USC, in-game or otherwise. Common decency is expected of all Citizens when engaging in both internal and external interactions.
Dual-Membership with other Guilds, Corporations, Governments, or other ruling bodies, and the USC allowed on a case-by-case basis. The USC is hard at work to always provide everything that a citizen would need to have a happy and profitable life in the universe. Engaging in Dual-Membership with Organizations that are in direct contradiction (i.e.: pirates, slave traders, and the, etc.,) especially for ranking officers and operatives, will be considered treason and is cause for immediate termination of USC Citizenship. Additionally, alerts will be sent to all allied organizations regarding affiliations found to be offensive. Small ‘family’ groups and teams of players (i.e. roleplayers on a single ship or small fleet) are welcome to apply for Citizenship while maintaining their desired gameplay focus. And of course, exceptions can be made in special cases so please feel free to contact us to discuss. We understand due to the way CIG Organizations will work in the game, dual membership with things like family groups or ship owner’s clubs will be allowed and of mutual benefit to all involved. A special request must be submitted to an Outreach Officer or a Minister, and approval is required. The list of Consul-approved organizations is available for review for USC Citizens to interact with.
The USC prides itself on upholding equality and fairness for all beings. As such, any and all forms of piracy is forbidden for USC Citizens. Any reports of piracy will be promptly investigated and confirmed cases of piracy could result in expulsion and termination of USC Citizenship.
The USC looks to accommodate everyone’s play styles and time restraints. We understand that everyone has a life outside of Star Citizen, and because of this, we have no set gameplay time requirements per week – your real life comes first. However, to stay an active USC Citizen once Star Citizen launches, we expect all of our Citizens to contribute in a meaningful way. We expect USC Citizens to use their playtime, whenever or however long it might be, in a meaningful way that both benefits them and the United Space Confederation. We will not tolerate people using group resources for purely personal gain.
Leadership positions in the United Space Confederation are a position of duty, not privilege. These positions are based on need, and candidates will be selected for an Officer position based on a number of factors, including but not limited to dedication and skill. Having a higher position in the USC does not give the authority to dictate other’s actions, time spent and/or play style in-game outside of approved areas such as Dedicated Squadrons. Leadership positions never allow the person holding office to act in a privileged manner during social interactions with other members. Should you be offered an Officer position in the USC, we expect you to commit more time to Star Citizen and the USC, so please keep that in mind before accepting.
We are offering many different ways for USC Citizens to communicate and connect with each other. Primary communications in-game will be VoIP using Discord, and in-game VoIP and FoIP. We understand that not everyone wants to be on the mic all the time during their gaming sessions, as such, VoIP participation is not required for all Citizens, with special exceptions for circumstances such as Dedicated Squadrons or group operations. Voice communications will not be required for normal USC activities.
We are open to all English speaking members, whether native or as a second language, and regardless of time zone.
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