The Unprofessionals / UNPRO

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Scouting

Welcome Pilot!

The Unprofessionals has a long history of getting things done, although we usually don’t know how we managed to do it.

Recruitment is currently open

Remember to join our Discord HERE
and to jump onto Spectrum for ORG updates.


Use this referral code before you sign up for Star Citizen!


Use this referral code to get free 5000 in-game credits.
Referrals will also assist in unlocking Org controlled ships for use by Org members.


The Unprofessionals started as a group of friends playing flight sims with YouTube content creator Magz of MagzTV fame and has since expanded into a core part of the MagzGTV brand.
It consists of multiple Squadrons, Clans and privately run dedicated servers across a great number of titles including DCS World, IL-2, War Thunder, ARMA III, World of Warships and of course now Star Citizen.

News and Events:

  • Established 11/10/2017
  • Exploration of the Daymar Javelin wreck event 09/01/18
  • Branding Update 02/02/18
  • Flyout 05/05/18
  • PTU Flyout Patch 3.2
  • PTU Flyout Patch 3.3


Manifesto to be updated soon.


Charter to be updated soon.