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Unknown Soldiers / UNKSO

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Scouting
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

A mil-sim-lite organization focusing on gaining money and expanding skills as we prepare for org-based activities in Star Citizen

Discord Link

Website Link


The Unknown Soldiers, founded in 2933 (2003) in the Sol System, started as an organization focusing on FPS pursuits such as Battlefield, Call of Duty, and more recently, Escape from Tarkov. In late 2053, a small group decided to take their skills to the stars full time, leading to the official founding of the Unknown Soldiers organization you see today.

We are a Private Military Company (PMC), and are organized as such, with rank and organizational structure emulating the US Military. Our focus in the current state of the game is to focus on piloting skills. This usually means we run bounties – both AI and players – to test our skills and tweak our tactics.

In the future, the goal is to become self-sufficient, incorporating bounties, FPS gameplay, cargo running, salvage, data running, and mining (and any other game loops they introduce) into a structure that supports an org structure and physical org base that makes Star Citizen life better for all members, and facilitates group gameplay to magnify individual strengths into collective wins. That may sound vague, but it’s hard to tell which direction the game will take. With that in mind, the Unknown Soldiers plan to take each new addition to the game in stride and maximize the potential of each into the overall org stream as we all work toward bettering ourselves and this org.


We, the members of the Unknown Soldiers, pledge our commitment to building a vibrant, inclusive, and immersive community within the Star Citizen universe. We are united by our shared passion for exploration, camaraderie, and the relentless pursuit of adventure among the stars.

We use a mil-sim structure to organize ourselves, so that each member knows what is expected of them and where they fall in the chain of command and organizational structure. It’s not meant to be punitive or exclusive, it’s simply a way to organize ourselves.

1. Collaboration and Teamwork:

In the vast expanse of space, cooperation is paramount. Knowing that we have a team at our back, everyone working for the same goals, can give a sense of community greater than self. We believe in fostering a culture of collaboration, where every member’s contribution is valued, and teamwork is celebrated. We support each other, learn from one another, and embark on epic journeys together.

2. Inclusivity and Diversity:

Our organization welcomes all individuals, regardless of their background, gender, race, orientation, or skill level. Especially skill level. If you’re bad, we’ll make you better. If you’re good at one thing, we’ll put your skills to work for the group and teach you new skills. You might even learn something about yourself as a person while you’re playing a game. We celebrate the diversity of our members, recognizing that it enriches our community and contributes to a more inclusive experience.

3. Ethical Gameplay:

We pledge to engage in fair and ethical gameplay. We do not support cheating, hacking, griefing, or exploiting game mechanics unfairly. We respect both our fellow players and the game developers’ efforts to create an enjoyable and balanced universe.

4. Community Building:

We actively participate in building a strong, cooperative, and supportive community. The greater Unknown Soldiers clan supports companies playing other games in a competitive but family-friendly environment. We organize events, competitions, practices, and activities that bring our members together and encourage interaction beyond the game.

5. Respect for Others:

We treat all members, contractors, and even our adversaries with respect and courtesy. We acknowledge that conflicts may arise, but we resolve them diplomatically and without interpersonal hostility, even if the outcome is violent in-game.

6. Roleplay and Immersion:

While not a directly-supported aspect of our collective gameplay goals, we embrace light roleplay and backstories that foster a shared narrative and enhance our gaming experience.

7. Education and Learning:

We are dedicated to helping each other grow and learn in the world of Star Citizen. We share knowledge, offer training, and mentor new players to help them become skilled citizens of the stars. We all come up together!

8. Responsibility and Accountability:

As members, we are responsible for upholding the organization’s principles and maintaining a positive, family-friendly atmosphere. We hold each other accountable for our actions within the game and the community.

9. Exploration and Discovery:

We are explorers at heart, driven by the desire to uncover the mysteries of the universe. We are committed to boldly going where no one has gone before, discovering new worlds, and sharing our findings with the Unknown Soldiers community – for personal profit and mutual benefit.

10. Fun and Enjoyment:

Above all, we play Star Citizen to have fun and enjoy the journey. We value laughter, memorable moments, and the thrill of exploration. Our shared passion for the game drives us to create amazing experiences together.


The Star Citizen Adventurers stand united in our commitment to explore the universe, collaborate with one another, and build a diverse and inclusive community. We adhere to our principles of ethical gameplay, respect, and accountability, and we embrace the spirit of fun and adventure in every journey among the stars.


Charter of the Unknown Soldiers

Article I: Introduction

We, the members of the Unknown Soldiers, unite under this charter to establish an organization dedicated to exploring the vast universe of Star Citizen, fostering teamwork, and promoting camaraderie among its members. Our primary objective is to create a thriving and enjoyable gaming experience within Star Citizen by growing skills, helping each other improve, and working together to support the organization.

Article II: Name and Identity

The organization shall be known as the “Unknown Soldiers.”

Our emblem shall be a shield with “US” across the front, symbolizing our focus on strong combat skills as a basis for competent overall organizational operations.

Article III: Purpose and Goals

To explore the universe of Star Citizen, embarking on various adventures, and uncovering its hidden mysteries.

To promote teamwork, cooperation, and camaraderie among our members.

To engage in various in-game activities, including but not limited to trading, combat, exploration, and resource gathering.

To maintain a respectful and inclusive community where members can enjoy their gaming experience.

Article IV: Membership

Membership in the Unknown Soldiers is split into two main groups: Members and Contractors

Membership is open to all individuals who share our values and interests over the age of 18, regardless of their gender, race, nationality, or background.

Members are expected to follow the rules and regulations of the Unknown Soldiers as posted on our website and updated from time to time. Members are expected to treat each other with respect and foster a positive gaming environment.

Members are expected to attend one meeting and one practice time (approximately an hour each) each week at minimum, and will be expected to show their value to the organization consistently to maintain status as a member.

The Unknown Soldiers follows a mil-sim-lite model, and members will fall into that structure. Advancement depends on the skills and desire of the individual member, as well as the needs of the Unknown Soldiers.

Contractors are those who wish to associate with the Unknown Soldiers and participate in operations on an ‘as needed’ basis, but who do not meet the criteria for membership or who don’t wish to take on the role of full members. Contractors will be expected to follow the same rules as members when using the Unknown Soldiers’ assets, both in-game and out of game.

Article V: Leadership

The Unknown Soldiers follows a mil-sim model based on the US Army organizational structure, currently at the company level. As such, it is led by a Company Commander and a First Sergeant. NCOs lead smaller elements focusing on different aspects of the game falling into the overall structure of the organization.

Staff positions and junior officer positions will be added when necessary in the future.

All leaders serve at the pleasure of the organization, and will have more responsibility than normal members. All leaders will receive training prior to promotion and installation, and will have regular azimuth checks to make sure they understand what is expected of them and that they’re on the right path to grow, both as players and as people.

Article VI: Activities and Events

The organization shall regularly host events and activities, both in-game and out of the game, to foster community engagement and entertainment.

These activities may include but are not limited to exploration missions, combat exercises, trading runs, and social gatherings.

Article VII: Code of Conduct

All members are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and sportsmanlike manner, treating fellow members, contractors, and players with kindness and courtesy.

Harassment, discrimination, griefing, cheating, or any form of toxic behavior will not be tolerated.

Cheating or exploiting in the game is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate expulsion.

Article VIII: Communication

The primary means of communication within the organization will be through our official Discord server and forums.

All members are encouraged to actively participate in discussions, share their experiences, and contribute to the community. Rank does not necessarily equate to experience – everyone can learn something from everyone else, and no one should be afraid to make everyone else better by sharing what they know.

Article IX: Ratification

This charter shall supplement the rules and regulations of the Unknown Soldiers and the standing orders of the organization as they exist at any particular time. Joining the Unknown Soldiers organization serves as your endorsement of the charter, rules and regulations, and standing orders as the foundation of our community.