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Underdark / UNDERDARK

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling



July 18, 2016 – Underdark is created


What We Offer

A place for all skill levels:
One of the primary reason behind the creation of UNDERDARK was to develop a dedicated criminal organisation for both casual and hardcore gamers. Anyone can join us and we will get you where you want to be. For those hardcore members, you will be connected with like-minded individuals with similar skill levels as yourself. We know the last thing you want is to be stuck with rookies. For those who want to improve, there is currently a training system in the making covering all aspects of Star Citizen from dogfighting to bounty hunting. The training program can also, indirectly help you move up the UNDERDARK ladder. (more info on ranks in the charter). For the casuals, we understand that many of you are not hardcore pros but don’t let this stop you. You can still benefit from our empire, work the network, and you can always join the training program.
Above all:
Real life comes first!

UNDERDARK is for the members:
The last thing we want to create is another “Zerg Swarm Org”. Instead, we will grow at a slower pace, developing our command chain and organization structure as we go. This means that once Star Citizen is released, we will be able to proceed our operations fully, at 100% efficiency. What this means for you, the member, is that you will be valued individually and have a say in the running of UNDERDARK.

A Syndicate with a purpose:
As you probably already know, the purpose behind UNDERDARK is simple:
To create a self-sufficient criminal empire.
The drive to create this Empire means that you will be working with an efficient and organised team for more than just vast profit. (when I say more, I mean vast profit and then some). UNDERDARK has been built from the ground up to support this singular goal, so we can effectively maintain a vast network of different careers without deteriorating into a simple support group.

Currently in the alpha, our prime objective is to be highly active. As we grow, we will organise weekly, and eventually, daily meet-ups both in game and in the chat-room. The in-game meetings will serve the purpose of training sessions as well as a time to get to know each other and do whatever we please. Later, we will be establishing a Planetside 2 player-base so we can make use of our organization in as many ways as possible.

A Global Network
In order to operate as effectively as possible, we will be recruiting members from across the globe. As we grow, and gather members from different countries, we will be setting up meetings and gameplay for the different time-zones to support this system, So no matter where you come from, there is a place for you in UNDERDARK.

Support: Naturally, you will often want to strike out on your own, and when you do, you will have the full support of the UNDERDARK empire. We offer the following to all our members:
  • Information on potential targets or jobs
  • Jump routes
  • Discounts from ALL merchants within UNDERDARK controlled space
  • Exclusive access to our collection of high-end equipment
  • Equipment Hire
  • Ship hire
  • Somewhere to recruit crewmembers and/or teammates
  • Bounty bail-out plans
  • Safe haven from law enforcement
  • A location to sell and buy illegally acquired goods

Affiliates welcome:
You may find yourself liking the idea of UNDERDARK, but you are already loyal to another organization. That’s fine! As an affiliate you will be considered a citizen of our empire and will still have the basic privileges that our full members have. This includes free access into our territory as well as being able to use most of our aforementioned services, albeit at a higher price than our full-time members.

Our Structure

UNDERDARK has been divided into four major divisions, each one overseeing a different facet of our organization.
Cutlass Division – Piracy and Smuggling
Katana Division – Mercenaries and Raiders
Machete Division – Exploration and R&D
Dagger Division – Intelligence and Hunting
Our entire structure has been designed so that our divisions interlink to create one, cohesive entity. This means we are more than just a support group for different criminals. Additionally, you have the option to change and try out as many different career paths as you like.


The structure of UNDERDARK is designed for the following professions:
PIRATE Piracy is the bread and butter of our organization. Especially in the beginning, the re-acquisition of goods will be our main source of income. As a pirate, you will take part in our carefully planned (and funded) operations. You will also have our support assets when working alone.
SMUGGLER Smuggling is one of the most flexible roles in the organization, with a number of different jobs available. As soon as possible, we will develop a massive smuggling network that will require everything from quick A to B deliveries, to complex but lucrative trade runs. Additionally, we will have smugglers working in tandem with the pirates, taking back their stolen goods and resupplying them for the next attack. And for those who wish to smuggle solo, we have a constantly updating database of the best jobs and routes.
MERCENARY The UNDERDARK mercenary corps is both our sword and our shield. Mercenaries will be tasked with defending our assets and destroying our enemies. You also have the option to sign up for major pirate operations and to protect our other departments. Having a strong standing military means that we will also be able to pull off third party mercenary jobs for additional income and game-play value.
RAIDER Basically a criminal navy, the Raiders do in space what the mercenaries do on the ground. As a Raider, you will be part of the UNDERDARK fleet which, in addition to defence and assault missions in space, also provides support for ground-based mercenary ops.
EXPLORER Upon the release of Star Citizen, the explores will be mobilised in order to establish a home territory for UNDERDARK. Our explorers will be well funded and rewarded, but this is not their sole purpose. Locating and documenting planets for future colonisation is something we will always be investing in. There will also be a need for the discovery of new, hidden routes which we will pay quite handsomely for.
R & D In Star Citizen, technology is prized above almost all else, and so it should be. Innovation is what keeps organizations on the top of the food chain and it is the R&D department that drive this innovation. Our “White-coats” deal in all things technological, from searching for alien artefacts with the explorers, to engineering on ships, to combing the black market for “special” pieces. They it all. Oversight of the Armoury also fall to them; this is UNDERDARK’s collection of high-end equipment and can only be accessed by our full members.
INTELLIGENCE Often overlooked, the Intelligence department serves as the eyes, ears, and brain of UNDERDARK. They are undeniably vital to our ongoing success. As an agent, your missions will mostly consist of the typical spy novel material. Infiltrate, obtain, escape. However, the entirety of this department reaches far deeper. Other jobs include communication monitoring, analysis and archiving of info, and gathering information from the other divisions. Obviously, running around 007 style is more attractive, so all agents will start there and then only transfer if they choose.
BOUNTY HUNTER As a syndicate, we will make lots of enemies. Enemies which will need to be removed, some subtly, some not so subtly. As a hunter, it will be your duty to capture or kill threats to the UNDERDARK Empire, for considerable profit of course. And when you’re not working for us, your access to our intel, equipment, and team, will keep you well above the competition.


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