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Universal Monetary Allocations Department / UMADT

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Transport

Welcome to the home of Universal Monetary Allocations Department. We are a growing company welcoming new members who want an employee focused employer. Have a question please ask. If you have a small or med org or company let us know we’d love to work with you!


P. The Story of Universal Monetary Allocations Departments, as all things, starts with a hope and a dream. This dream belonged to a then young boy named Diego Vega. Mr Vega as a young man worked for a Freelancer named Rich. Rich’s ship, named the Borderlands, was the home where Rich taught the young Mr Vega everything he knew but the man was old and aging with so many competitors within UEE space it wasn’t easy getting contracts that paid well, Rich wanted to retire. He missed planet life. So usings the few military connections he had left he set out. This route was a dangerous route delivering undisclosed products to a classified location. This route went right through a known Vandule hot spot. Rich, a dangerous man himself, wasn’t worried about a few Glades and Scythes. There was a lot of money in bringing those kinds of products to the front lines back then. That’s when tragedy struck the crew of the Borderlands, like so many others, the flight didn’t have an uneventful flight. From the data recovered by a nearby damaged communications array. Rich was able to kill 157 Vanduul Scythes before his ship was overrun, by what investigators now determine to be a Void bomber. Rich was just able to help the young boy in the escape pod and launch before the first impact of undisclosed type of missile. Knowing he was making the ultimate sacrifice. Rich died a hero’s death. Brazeningly running back to the comms panel managing to send out an long range S.o.S., Calling Mr. Vega’s rescuers and setting up the fire, that now burns blue, to follow in his mentor’s footsteps.

P. After Rich’s death, The then young man and brazen Mr. Vega knew he had to put his skills to good use in order to repay his teacher’s ultimate sacrifice. From this Universal Monetary Allocations Department was born. Any and every company from Odin to Oretani does the same, safe, allied transport routes. As a true venture capitalist, and learning well from Rich, Diego saw a market in the disenfranchised people of the opposing splinter factions involved in all manners of interstellar conflict. He knew that despite conflict and war, people had basic needs that were not being met, He then Aimed to deliver basic survival products to such peoples as no one deserves to suffer the same fate as so many before have. Knowing the ultimate sacrifice Rich had made for him, Mr. Vega decided he in turn had to risk his own life to bring needed materials to all parts of space, no matter how war-torn or seemingly unfavorable to current political situations. He recruited a group of expert pilots who were sympathetic to his cause to serve on his companies board of directors. With their combined knowledge in the aggregate fields of spaceflight and only with your help can we create a formidable fleet of travelling traders who now seek to bring economic balance to the galaxy. Groups from different races and ideologies from all around recognized the benefit of a guaranteed delivery to and from anywhere, and U.M.A.D Transports is no different. We will become quickly known and widely renowned throughout any faction with credits and shipping needs.

P. Recently, the Department has begun accepting applications for a new class of elite traders. We are also actively seeking hardened women and men that are interested in ground defense and anti boarding services. We ask that any recruit skilled and brave enough should consider themselves welcome to apply. Questions can be submitted to any recruiting agent authorized by the department. Thank you and on the behalf of all the employees here at the department, See you in the verse.


*For questions or comments, please contact our strategy specialist.
OR for more information you can find the founder here Discord office hours are from 7pm-10pm EST mon-fri.

P. We live in an age where we can travel distances our ancestors struggle to fathom, and so we must, as a company, strive to provide a service for every individual across that seemingly unfathomable distance, so long as he has a need and is prepared to compensate those who afford him the objects of his desire. Our number one commodity is information, the lifeblood of the interstellar community, and any successful government or organization. We at the Department strive to keep all traders safe and informed. However, our primary loyalty is to people, all people. This company will proudly serve humanity as a whole and not show any bias when base humanitarian goods are concerned. We use these two key precepts to scout and secure the optimum trade route, ensuring the fastest, least expensive delivery. We understand the difficulty of preparing a 7 spice soup. Navigating the Gor’lokk neutron star and the Ishtari nebula are especially difficult with a Gossian bugbear spewing acid all over your hold. But now, when you travel to the outer rim or “merchant free zones”, you can rest assured that the comforts of home are only a click away!

1: To Expand the known borders of universal civilization
2: To Serve citizen, corporation, and government equally
3: To Protect and Preserve our trading routes and partners
4: To assist in the medical needs of all of humanity through all works and operations.

Core Values
1: Accountability
2: Safety
3: Quality
4: Sustainability

1. Search and rescue.
2. Supply allocation.

Statement of intention:

P. We are a guild dedicated to the citizens of the stars. We advocate for Human civil rights and support all humans with basic needs for survival. We denounce out right hostel actions (physical or economic) against any human vessel, person, or persons. We fully recognize the threat of the Vandule. The departments will take actions to insure the prosperity of all citizens.

No place is unreachable, No cargo non transportable.
No planet is too risky, nor a need too petty.
-Richard Banger (Founder Emeritus )


1: The discussion of matters pertaining to UMAD, both internal and external, to any outside person or party, or any inquiry as to said matters by said subjects, shall be referred to the Chief Strategist, or a senior Strategist-Secretary. No other members are authorized to speak for or about the organization. We believe in a strong message that must come from a central leadership.
2: Willful noncompliance with rule #1 as proven by a council vote will result in physical termination.
3: No member of the departments shall fire upon an allied ship/ships unduly, nor provoke his ally to fire upon him.
4: No member of the departments shall take a contract that is detrimental to the purchaser of the contract, nor the organization for whom the services were rendered.
5: All members of the departments must give the negationated percent of their income from UMAD contracts to the central bank, for the betterment of the organization, and the people with whom it is associated.
6. All members shall be able to conduct themselves in a professional manner and shall be capable of using Galactic Standard English during all relevant transmissions.
7. All members of all departments must be able to perform proper roles and or duties included but not limited to Role play skills,
mandatory team/crew practices, and filling out appropriate permissions agreement or agreements pertaining to following chain of command protocols.
8. Any blatant act of unprovoked violence on any ship will result in a full internal review of the situation through dispinalry channels.
Results of the inquiry will be limited to but not exempting. Full demotion, replacement of damaged property, and revoked membership.

Failure to adhere to these rules will result in appropriate disciplinary measures, to be decided by a council of chairpersons, including but not limited to: Reprimand, Suspension, Expulsion, Court-martial, Revocation of Route Privileges.