Supply or Die

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Uncharted Search and Rescue / UCSNR

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Medical
  • Scouting

Welcome to our Org Profile. We are a brand new org and so things are still being set up. Please pardon our dust.


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Throughout history there have been many extraordinary people who seek to help others find their way home. These groups marched into the fray under banners reading, “So Others May Live,” and “That Others May Live.” To honor that legacy, we operate with the maxim, “So that others may live.” Their selfless service will be remembered.

With an ever expanding universe unfolding before our eyes, we seek to assist in making the journey to the unknown a bit easier by finding those stranded or lost along the way.

I have come across many citizens who are exploring the verse either solo, or with a smaller crew. Currently our access to the verse is limited to Stanton, and soon to be Pyro. As our horizons expand, we will encounter systems with limited or non-existent services. U.S.R.‘s aim is to be there to help those groups large and small make the frontier their home.


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Explorers often find the verse to be a very callous and unrelenting place. Unfortunately if something can go wrong, it often will. The team at Uncharted Search and Rescue are here to assist in bringing these lost pioneers along their way when misfortune, scarcity, or something more sinister, strikes.


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The U.S.R. has no formal subsidiaries or commissions, and very little ties to a formal government. The U.S.R. will likely be operating in incredibly precarious places. It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that situations may arise that warrant self defense and unusual solutions. With that said, our main goal is to provide emergency rescue services in some of the hardest to reach places and assist those in life threatening or incredibly perilous situations as they seek to expand humanity’s reach. To that end, we live by a policy of “live and let live.” This means that we will not knowingly attack, provoke, or otherwise endanger another human outside of self defense. Additionally, we steer clear of specific political alignments, as we seek to assist any and all in need of help. Any partiality to one party or another may be counter-productive to our overall goal.


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