Titan Tactical / TT141

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Scouting

Welcome to Titan Tactical. Whether you need a craft to cover your cargo frigates or a gun on the ground as security, call a Titan. We bring the pain.


OPERATIONAL POLICIES: We take work from just about anyone. Whether you are a small time resource and exploration team needing a gun to protect you while you do your jobs or a large corporation that needs an extra ship on a convoy to make the pirates wary we have your back. Prices dependent on risk of job.


We do not accept assignments from rogue entities and pirate crews. Reputable businesses and civilian security forces are the types of organizations we accept tasks from.


Do not take jobs that sound the least bit questionable.
Do not take jobs you cannot accomplish.
You will NEVER take on a crew mission as a single man unit.
10% of all profit from EVERY job goes to the PMC in order to maintain base functionality.
Crew missions will be approved by brass before started.
Solo situations will be left to the discretion of the operator, however will be reviewed upon completion to asses operational tier of combatant.
Above all else fellow members of Titan Tactical are family. You will NOT do anything which can cause harm to other members or their equipment.