Discord: https://discord.gg/GeTydKuwRb
“Flexible, Transparent, and Professional: TSP Gets the Job Done.”
- TSP is a small, dynamic organization to maintain an active team of 6 to 10 people. The organization operates with a flat hierarchy, where operatives are self-managing and self-sufficient. The Medical Commander sets the overall purpose and goals, but operatives have the freedom to determine how to achieve these objectives.
- TSP emphasizes flexibility, allowing operatives to adapt to various roles to fulfil contracts. While the organization primarily focuses on medical services, it is capable of handling a wide range of tasks. Advancement is based on horizontal growth rather than a vertical hierarchy, with bonuses, extra pay, and privileges awarded based on loyalty and individual performance.
- Transparency is a core value at TSP. High-level decisions are discussed as a team, and the Medical Commander explains and rationalizes decisions to ensure openness. Role-playing is an important aspect, with ranks mainly relevant during contracts and operations. Each operative selects a primary role that defines their rank from a role-playing perspective.
- The organizational structure includes key roles such as the Medical Commander, Head of Department, Operational Command, Commanders/Captains, Doctors with various specializations, and Paramedics and Nurses. All personnel start with the base rank of Paramedic and can grow into their roles based on the organisation’s needs.
- TSP values professionalism and aims to create a positive, enjoyable interaction experience. The organization encourages operatives to be realistic, and straightforward, and to handle in-game issues maturely and efficiently. Ultimately, TSP strives to be seen as a dependable, no-nonsense group that gets the job done through a role-playing lens.