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Blackstar Salvage Corp. / TSC2023

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

Operating outside the constraints of the law and the borders of empire, Blackstar is driven by resourcefulness, cunning, and a fierce independence. We scavenge, repurpose, and rebuild, turning discarded remnants into treasures. In this cutthroat galaxy, survival isn’t just a skill—it’s an art.


The origins of Blackstar Salvage Corp are as murky as the deep space it roams. What began as a small crew of misfit explorers and outcasts has evolved into a formidable force, operating in the shadows of the galaxy’s most dangerous territories.

Founded decades ago by a group of veteran spacers who had seen too many battles and too little reward, Blackstar was born out of necessity. The founders were ex-military, miners, and smugglers—people with nowhere to go and nothing to lose. They banded together after one fateful mission in a distant system went catastrophically wrong. Stranded and left for dead among the wreckage of their ships, they scavenged parts, patched together what they could, and against all odds, managed to limp back to civilization. This was the first taste of survival through salvage, and they quickly realized the galaxy was filled with opportunities for those willing to take them.

In the early days, Blackstar operated as a loose collective, drifting through the outer reaches of known space, taking whatever jobs they could find. They worked the fringes, slipping in and out of systems unnoticed, picking over the bones of forgotten skirmishes and derelict ships. What others saw as junk, Blackstar saw as survival. Slowly, their reputation grew, as did their crew, attracting like-minded individuals who weren’t afraid to get their hands dirty.

As the crew expanded, so did their ambitions. No longer content to just scrape by, Blackstar Salvage Corp. began pushing into more dangerous, more profitable territory. They became experts at navigating hostile environments, working in zones too risky for traditional salvage operations. Rumors of Blackstar’s daring and resourcefulness spread, but so did their notoriety. While they rarely engaged in direct combat, they were known to “liberate” valuable resources from battlefields and even the occasional unguarded convoy.

Over time, Blackstar evolved from a ragtag group of survivalists into an organized, well-equipped force. They acquired advanced reclamation technology, expanded their fleet, and built a network of contacts throughout the galaxy’s underworld. They remain fiercely independent, operating outside the laws of any system, but they’ve become a key player in the shadows—always one step ahead of the authorities and anyone else looking to claim what Blackstar has marked as theirs.

Today, Blackstar Salvage Corp. stands as a symbol of survival and resilience. From the darkest corners of the ‘verse, they continue their relentless pursuit of fortune, driven by the belief that in the end, only those who can adapt and scavenge from the wreckage will endure.


In the vast, cold emptiness of space, nothing is given. We are not born into wealth, nor do we inherit power. We carve our own path, with no masters and no laws but our own. We are Blackstar Salvage Corp, and we exist beyond the reach of empires and the grasp of the corporate elite. We survive by our wits, our courage, and the will to take what we need from the wreckage of this galaxy.

We believe in freedom—the kind earned through sweat, grit, and raw determination. The systems of the galaxy may be vast, but their reach is not infinite. Beyond their borders, in the forgotten places where others fear to tread, we find our purpose. We are not scavengers. We are opportunists, turning chaos into profit, stripping the dead weight of conflict and misfortune to fuel our own journey through the stars.

We do not kneel. We do not submit. We forge our own destiny from the scraps and bones of battles fought by those who think themselves greater than us. Their wars, their conflicts—these are opportunities for those with the courage to seize them.

We value survival above all else. The galaxy is unforgiving, and so are we. In the silence of the void, no one will save you. We rely on each other, bound by a shared understanding: the only way to stay alive in this galaxy is to be smarter, faster, and more ruthless than those who would take what is ours.

We reclaim. We repurpose. We rebuild. Where others see waste, we see potential. A broken ship is a puzzle, a ruined station a treasure trove waiting to be unlocked. We take what is lost and forgotten, and from it, we build our future.

We reject the control of any government, corporation, or military. We answer to no one. The borders they draw, the laws they write—none of it matters beyond the farthest reaches. Out here, we are free to live by our own code. Loyalty is earned, not given. Trust is built through action, not words. Those who stand with us are family, bound not by blood but by the shared understanding that together, we are stronger than the systems that seek to control us.

To those who would brand us outlaws: we wear the name with pride. In a galaxy of order and oppression, it is the rebels, the survivors, the free souls who will inherit the stars.

We are Blackstar Salvage Corp. We do what must be done. We take what we need. We will not be stopped.


Article I: Purpose

The purpose of Blackstar Salvage Corp is to recover, reclaim, and repurpose valuable assets from derelict ships, wreckage, and other abandoned resources throughout the galaxy. We operate on the edges of civilization, turning lost opportunities into survival and profit for our crew.

Article II: Code of Conduct

Survival First – Every member of Blackstar is responsible for their own survival and the survival of their crew. In the unforgiving depths of space, we rely on each other.
Take What Is Needed – We salvage from the dead and forgotten, respecting no law but the necessity of survival. We claim only what is left to be taken and use it to ensure our future.
No Allegiance to Systems – We remain independent, rejecting the control of any government, corporation, or military. Our loyalty lies with our crew and our mission.
Honor Among the Crew – Trust and loyalty among Blackstar members are paramount. We stand by each other in times of need and share equally in the rewards.

Article III: Membership

Recruitment – New members are welcomed based on skill, loyalty, and their ability to contribute to the success of the crew. All recruits must prove themselves before earning full trust and inclusion.
Respect – All members, regardless of rank, shall show respect towards any and all other members. Hate speech and racism leads to instant dismissal
Discord Requirements -
a) All members shall use our discord server, and shall have and use a microphone.
b) All members must link their discord and star citizen profile
c) All members must set their display name for this server to their in game name
d) Use the right channels for the right content
e) No Self-Promotion without permission
f) No spamming / NSFW content
Expulsion – Any member who endangers the crew, breaks the code of trust, or acts against the interests of Blackstar will be cast out with no chance of return.

Article IV: Operations

Salvage Rights – Blackstar reserves the right to salvage from any derelict or unclaimed ship, wreckage, or battlefield. We respect the claims of other independent crews but will defend our rights fiercely when challenged.
Neutrality – Blackstar remains neutral in all galactic conflicts, except when profit or survival dictates otherwise. We are not mercenaries or soldiers, but we will act when our interests align with opportunity.
Expansion – As we grow, so does our reach. Blackstar will expand its fleet and operations, ensuring our continued survival and dominance in the salvage trade.

Article V: Freedom and Independence

Blackstar Salvage Corp values freedom above all. We operate beyond the control of any system or authority, charting our own course and making our own destiny in the stars. The galaxy is vast, and it belongs to those with the will to take it.