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Trygalle Trade Guild / TRYGALLE

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Freelancing

The Trygalle Trade Guild is the most effective and most expensive courier service in any system. The trade guild often takes the most treacherous routes in order to save time. All employees of the Guild are also made shareholders, promoting loyalty through profit of the employees.



This organization is based on the eponymous company in the Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson. This organization’s purpose is to fulfill the original Guild’s purpose of providing transport through the most dangerous and treacherous of circumstances… at a cost. This time to provide these services in the medium of space instead of Warrens. Instead of demons, pirates.

The manifesto and charter are best described in quotes from the book and do it far more justice than I ever could.


“Karpolan Demesand was one of the original founders of the Trygalle Trade Guild, a citizen of the small fortress city of the same name, situated south of the Lamatath Plain on the continet of Genabackis. Born of a dubious alliance between a handful of mages, Karpolan among them, and the city’s benefactors – a motley collection of retired pirates and wreckers – the Guild came to specialise in expeditions so risk-laden as to make the average merchant pale. Each caravan was protected by a heavily armed company of shareholders – guards who possessed a direct stake in the venture, ensuring the fullest exploitation of their abilities. And such abilities were direly needed, for the caravans of the Trygalle Trade Guild – as was clear from the very outset – travelled the warrens.”


A nice selection of quotes from the books to illustrate the goals and views of the Guild.


“‘The Trygalle Trade Guild does not offer bids, for every other enterprise would be sure to greatly underbid them without even trying. In other words, they are not cheap. More exactly, their services demand a king’s ransom generally. One thing you can be sure of, however, is that they will do precisely what they have been hired to do, no matter how . . . uh, nightmarish . . . the logistics.’” -Shareholder Kruppe

“We do not advertise our services. Not openly, in any case. Frankly, those services include activities that are, on occasion, clandestine in nature. We trade not only in material goods but in information, the delivery of gifts, of people themselves. . .other creatures.”


Each member is a shareholder with direct stake in each particular venture being undertaken. Outside of a venture, members are encouraged to behave as they wish. However, any actions which endanger a Guild contract will be met with heavy and swift action.

Follow this simple rule and everything falls into place:

“ A shareholder was just that, someone with a stake in the venture, profiting by their own efforts with no fat fool in the wings waiting with sweaty hands.
Was this a death wish? Hardly. Plenty of shareholders survived, and the smart ones made sure they got out before it was too late, got out with enough wealth to buy an estate, to retire into a life of blissful luxury.”