The True Mandalorians are a group of people, whose aim is to live and spread the mandalorian culture in the Star Citizen Universe.
Who are we?
We consider ourselves as a mandalorian clan/network. We are all Star Wars fans and especially like the mandalorian culture. So we thought: “Why not live and spread the mandalorian culture in the universe of the BDSSE?!” Well that is what we do now.
What kind of jobs are you offering? Do I have to choose between fighting and bounty hunting?
You are free to choose what to do while playing. Whether you want to explore the universe, trade precious cargo, salvage derelict ships, fly the most dangerous races or collect bounty depends on you.
What we do demand is that you are able to defend yourself against aggressors. This is essential! While you can expect fellow mandos to help you out, you have to be capable to help them out as well.
Do I have to be a capable fighter?
That would be pretty much appreciated. The mandalorian culture is a culture of warriors and to continue the mandalorian legacy you have to be a decent fighter. (As the game is still in an alpha state right now and constantly changing this is of lesser priority at the moment.)
Is there a required age?
Yes. You have to be 16+ and mature enough.
Are you open for Affiliations?
Yes. You can join our clan/network of The True Mandalorians as main member or as affiliate.
What are the official Languages?
Right now we have English and German speaking member in our org. Any member should be able to speak English at least at an understandable level. Mando´a (the mandalorian language) is except for a few basic words, which will be teached if you do not already know them, not a required language but welcome ;-).
Does it matter where I come from?
No that does not matter at all for mandalorians. A mandalorian is solely identified by his practicing of the
Resol´nare (the six actions that define a mandalorian, switch to our manifesto for further information)
Interested in meeting fellow mandalorians and joining a strong group that is shaped by the solidarity of its members? —> Write your application today!
Free to choose as long they are compatible to our rules! Right now we have a focus on mercenary and bounty hunting. But the game is in pre alpha right now and we definitely want to try out as much as possible.
Please also read and respect the general rules!!
The Six Actions that define a mandalorian are called Resol´nare:
We expect you to enact at least four of these! These four are numbre 2,3,4 and 6. How you rear your children is your decision! Speaking Mando´a is voluntary, but welcome.
Remember you always represent the true mandalorian culture as member of this Organization! Therefore act like a mandalorian and respect the rules! Wear the Truemando sign with proud!
§1 No Racism, sexism or discrimination (excluded is the Death Watch*)!
§2 Do not harm innocent people if it is not vital (for example to protect a member of the Org)!
§3 As solidarity is a key part of this Org every member is committed to help each other!
§4 Cheating or Hacking will result in instant exclusion from the Org!
§5 No pirating! (refers to §2)
§6 No excessive spamming/trolling in chat or teamspeak etc.!
Whoever disrespects these rules will get a warning and will be excluded if necessary!
more rules to be add if necessary!
We understand ourselfs as a mandalorian clan, which survives through solidarity to our brothers.
The hierarchy in this clan works as following:
The Mand´alor as leader has the ability to suggest a change in the focus of the org and the members decide if they want to follow (as simple as that). In War times or in a crisis the Mand´alor has the ability to call all members of the clan to arms (in this case everyone has to follow).
So basically the purpose of the Mand´alor in this structure is to unite the clan.
Otherwise you are free to do what you want as long as it serves the interest of the org. We see this org more like a social interaction platform with some superior goals. Every player should be able to follow his individual goals and interests but at the same time have the feeling of being part of a strong group that will stand behind him if he needs it. For this reason every Player has to be ready to subordinate his interests under the needs of the group and group members.