Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


The Tarnished Angels / TRNSHANGEL

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Freelancing

For The Greater Bagel!


Once upon a time, one of our members went looking for a new space game. They came across a gated website, and a blank password field. The hint, “What is the answer to the ultimate question?”

Upon entry to this gated wonder, updates and story were abound.

Time passed.

More interest was gathered, by others this time. So the Book of Face was summoned to do thy bidding. The Elders Council gathered around and did so deliberate. It was determined that for all involved many pies would be needed, and many skills too.

And so here we gather today, sharing in the collective pie knowledge that our Angels gather.

For The Greater Bagel!


Honor, Friendship, Cheeseburger.

All pilots are bound by their word.

You must actually have met and know someone within our ranks.

You can join up with whomever you want and do whatever you want, just don’t make the rest of us look bad.

There is to be no bad blood if you take a job to kill one of our own, these things happen when you let people do their own thing.

If offered a cheeseburger you accept, with no expectation of return cheeseburger (although it is polite to return cheeseburger favor).


Our Pledge

We shall venture forth through the stars, helping those in need…

We shall give cheeseburgers willingly, to those that deserve cheeseburgers…

And above all else, we shall have all the fun and good times…

For we are The Tarnished Angels, those which have fallen through the sky and beyond…


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