Trans-Galactic Delivery Enterprise / TRDE

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Freelancing

The Galaxy on time.™


After a dazzling and distinguished military career, two brothers looked toward the future and wondered how best to put their piloting abilities to use in their post-service lives. One a cargo pilot with a legendary reputation for successfully completing the most difficult and dangerous logistical resupply runs the command had to offer; the other a fighter jockey and Ace many times over, notorious for taking on insurmountable odds with reckless abandon and the uncanny ability to always come out on top.

Civilian life offered them only one option which would provide the thrill and challenge their former occupations possessed; running the most sensitive freight to and through the most dangerous parts of the Galaxy. Gathering an elite group around them composed of former military personnel they had served with and mutual acquaintances from the piloting community they formed the core of Trans-Galactic. The rest, as they say, is history.

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Here at Trans-Galactic™ we aspire to provide the highest level of professionalism and performance while transporting cargo to and from any location our customers require. As a subsidiary of Extensive Enterprises™ and with an elite force of both personnel and equipment, no destination is too dangerous and no cargo beyond our ability to deliver safely and swiftly. By employing our own fighter core we save not only time, but cost as well since expensive and complicated contracts with mercenary groups are unnecessary. At Trans-Galactic we deliver the Galaxy on time, every time.


Roll’em like they were dice.