Supply or Die

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The Procrasti Nation / TPN

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Exploration

“Why put off to tomorrow what you can put off indefinitely?”

(The above might be a good motto, & made a good enough intro for much of 2015, but in honor of the Endeavor sale I decided to finally add more typey-typing; that said,)

“mottos are for suckers”
is a pretty good motto too.



“Is that… Dalaran?”

So, “Hi. “ , I’ll try not to bore you with a wall of dry text.

I’m Grunjoe, Grun for short.


I now have a twitch:

AND a minecraft survival server running ver 1.12.2, IP –


The Procrasti Nation [TPN]‘s history:

Centuries ago, Generation ships intended to carry thousand in cryostasis to GJ 667Cc & other sectors were lost.


Their surviving relatives & countrymen, skeptical about the true fate of their loved ones, founded a non-centralized identity/culture on the basis of their shared loss & uncertainty. Imagine having a brother or parent or child who may be dead or could have been captured thawed, used to breed generations of slaves or hybrids by whatever lay waiting in the abyss. —Or they might simply be frozen in time, to one day thaw into the universe that’s left for them to inherit.

This bond of shared narrative shrouded in uncertainty brought together those left-behind.

Their communities & groups eventually growing into community organizations with shared values & principles as they raised their children generation after generation to celebrate multiple traditions & customs to honor or pay memory to the gone but not forgotten & the unknown in general. The principles embraced may be somewhat vague & tend to differ by region, but seem to share core principles of seeking out good times & little else; while slightly differing approaches & doctrines are common, there is a shared iconography & history that brings together the paranoid, the sensational, the lost, the hopeful & those driven by their faith.

The bond transcends blood or borders.

Few having any clue as to when the organization truly came together, the expression starting the tale is known to go “More than ten cycles ago—”; The first Grunjoe the Hunter, second of the house of Grun, along with his ‘Drood’ Bear friend Aluminum, founded a Guild with some of the like-minded left-behind. Depending who you ask you may hear they founded their group on the principles of being “chill” & social, enjoying hobbies, humor & camaraderie—all while putting sporadic efforts to improve the members’ (& the guild as a whole’s) status & standing; whilst most others of the Worlds were interested in warring crafts, the original founders of TPN were interested in meeting like minded people with whom they, or with whose descendants their descendants, might one day travel to the outland & explore the new vistas. It seems it was inevitable that The Guild of The Procrasti Nation would become a nation-state-of-mind.

Quick to take those willing to respect their ways into the fold, The Procrasti Nation while “rag-tag” at best these days, has had periods of limited notoriety.

The “Procrasti”-leaf has always been our flag even since the initial creation of the guild which founded this peculiar leaf-worshiping Nation-Culture, even before recreational use became decriminalized. Depictions of the leaf can be seen adorning cultural robes and tabards.

The Procrasti Nation [TPN] is a cultural org, and that has always been its intent; now, thanks to ships like the Endeavor there exists the opportunity to be the horti-cultural org it somewhat ought to be, to humbly honor the fore-bear-ers, without being bound to a planet’s surface.


No stress.

We just welcome people who aren’t jerks or bigots or pains, & a sense of humor is required.

Beyond that what you do is pretty much up to you.

(Nobody is obligating TPNers to actually be space-farmers, but—)

That leaf has always been our flag even since the initial creation of the guild which founded this peculiar leaf-worshiping Nation-Culture.

So I’m going out on a limb, in hopes of establishing a grassroots movement within the org to maybe one day flourish in agricultural sciences and branches of space farming. I really hope this concept can plant the seed that leads membership to blossom, & that I’m not barking up the wrong tree… & I’ll leaf it at that.


1- Don’t be a jerk

2- Don’t be a bigot (experience says it’s worth having this in addition to rule 1)

3- Try not to be a nuisance

3- Please have a sense of humor

3- But not hoo much of a sense of tumor

4.20- Enjoy


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