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The Brotherhood / THEHUNT

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Infiltration

The universe is a dark place. Light cannot reach every corner and every crack. In the shadows, we wait.


Our operations are highly secretive, we are not known to brag but there’s a reason why so few know of us. Those that do know it through fear.
We operate throughout the Magnus system, unbound by sovereignty or loyalty to anyone but fellow Brothers. Brothers are unrestricted provided they uphold the Brotherhoods creed.

Stay always in the shadows.


We will accept contracts if you will pay. We operate from the Magnus system as Bounty Hunters, Assassins, Infiltrators and Reconnaissance Operatives.

We are not mere Pirates, we are not mere Criminals, we are a Brotherhood.

Ranking Structure

Initiate – An Initiate is normally taken on at an early age, and in some cases, introduced to the Brotherhood at birth. The tradition of families offering first borns to the Brotherhood was not uncommon during times of economic depression in the UEE and many families would gladly send their children to join the Brotherhood in search of a new life and freedom from UEE shackles. Initiates are also taken from their families as punishment for crimes against the order and may even be forced to spill the blood of their own to prove their loyalty to their new family.

Initiates only remain at such a rank until their training is complete. From this an initiate will move on to become a Hunter, a fully fledged member of the Brotherhood and trained assassin.

Hunter – A hunter is the backbone of the Brotherhood. Making up the majority of the Brotherhood’s strength they complete their contracts as a member of a team and are not known to operate alone or without the guidance of a Silencer, with the exception of simple contracts. The Hunters strength lies in the Pack, one hunter on his/ her own is a match for any pirate but when operating as a team of four hunters led by a Silencer they can bring down whole gangs.

A Hunter is relatively inexperienced and relies upon the guidance of their Silencer, when the time comes and a Hunter has shown leadership capabilities, he/she may be recommended for acknowledgement as a Silencer.

Silencer – Silencer’s are the highly trained assassins and infiltration specialists of the Brotherhood. Once a Hunter has progressed to become a Silencer he/ she is allowed to take teams of hunters out on contracts as an adviser and team leader. Silencers also may take on higher risk contracts as a single operative. Silencers have been known to remain undercover in almost every major conglomerate during the Brotherhood’s glory years. Anything from information to a high ranking executive director could be the target for a Silencers contract so they have to be able to adapt to whatever contract comes their way.

A Silencer, despite their skill, is not fully versed in the inner circle runnings of the Brotherhood. A Silencer that has shown dedication and honour can be considered by either a Guardian or an Oracle to start the path to become, themselves, a Guardian of the Brotherhood.

Acolyte – Once a Silencer has been recommended to start the path to becoming a Guardian of the Brotherhood they will become an Acolyte of the Brotherhood. The path to becoming a Guardian is notoriously dangerous. Acolytes are sent on suicidal contracts and few return, those that do must pass extensive evaluation at the hands of the Oracles to deem whether they are worthy. Acolytes answer only from the Guardians and Oracles and do not have command over any other rank in the Brotherhood until their testing is completed. All contracts taken on by Acolytes on the path to Guardian are conducted alone.

Guardian – A Guardian is the highest rank any member of the Brotherhood can achieve. Upon passing their training as an Acolyte, one of the Oracles will formally announce to the rest of the brotherhood that a new Guardian has been inaugurated. The role of the Guardian is to take on extreme high risk contracts, protect the Brotherhood from outside threats, uphold the Creed of the Brotherhood. They act as the a Justicar would, upholding the values of the Creed and dispensing of those that don’t, Brotherhood or otherwise. A Guardian will not often have to do this so mainly during the current state of the Brotherhood, Guardians are sent in to finish contracts that Hunters cannot.

Oracle – The Oracles are descendants of the founders of the Brotherhood, supposedly going back as far as beginning of the Zhou dynasty (1046AD) in iron age China. They started as simple monks unhappy with how the feudal system affected the common peasant they decided to fight back. Starting as vigilantes, over time the descendants of the Oracles put their talents to use and they formed the Brotherhood. Today the Oracles lead the Brotherhood and guide its Brothers through tough times and prosperity. Despite being such important assets to the Brotherhood Oracles will often take part in contracts and have even taken Hunter out of training exercises without their Guardians knowing.


I. We will respect all of our enemies.
II. We will not kill without a contract unless in self defense.
III. We shall always be humble and respect the dead.
IV. Do not kill your fellow brothers.
V. Do not steal from your fellow brothers.
VI. Never dishonour the Brotherhood.
VII. Never reveal secrets of the Brotherhood.