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Board of Orderly Buffoons / THEBOOB

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Welcome to the Board of Orderly Buffoons! We at the BOOB strive for professionalism of the highest standard. The BOOB’s structure is soft, but our members are firm. We keep a perky morale here. Always welcoming to new recruits, the BOOB needs your support!


While relatively young, The BOOB quickly reached a stage of maturity, filling their space in the annals of history. Given the age of the organization, others look at The BOOB and consider it to be delicate; but be assured that The BOOB can take a pounding and still maintain a perky morale.

The Leaders are rather robust in their ambitions. When founding the BOOB, the leaders decided on a motto: “Keep your heart on your sleeve, and those you love close to your chest.” The standard salute, an open palm over the heart, is accompanied with the proud announcement, “Embrace the BOOB!”


The BOOB has a reputation for being soft, warm, and willing to embrace; but be warned that its members are hardened in their resolve. The organization strives to expand – first through organic means, but is willing to use surgical precision if necessary. Though, The BOOB is selective on which members can come in. To be embraced by The BOOB, one must be up to its standards.

The BOOB has incorporated a standard of operations when accepting and completing missions, Code Name: TIT. TIT (Time Initiated Tactics), is a method employed, using a well-rounded arsenal of means to accomplish the mission. By implementing TIT into the action, most members have reported a reduction of time taken to complete their mission, most over 20% faster.


The Board of Orderly Buffoons – Organization Governance

Center of Operations: AcinonyxRex