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The Pink Side / TEPSI

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Exploration

Embrace the great Pink, let it fill your veins, let it bestow upon you the powers of the cosmos! Only by the power of The True Color will you find revelation and knowledge, for The Great Void is unknown and as black as The Cube. Come, join and find the unicorn in you. Hurrah!


In the beginning was the End. The End decided that there should be something else too. Something completely different. And lo, it created the Chicken.

The Chicken died well and was roasted with butter, lemon and garlic, which were also created at that time along with the Oven. The End looked at the Chicken, took a bite and noticed that the Chicken had changed color only from the outside – due to various design flaws with the Oven itself, although to be fair, it should be mentioned that it WAS the first oven ever made. From the inside, next to the bone, the meat was still of a pink hue.

The End then stood up and said: “Alas, even I, with my mighty powers, could not undo what was made to be.” Then it collapsed into itself due to a strange disease and ceased to exist, which caused the big bang to happen along with all the stars, planets, black holes, the whole known universe and whatnot.

Thus there remains no doubt: there is power in Pink, we all know it and better yet, we all share the ability to tap into this universal energy, The Pink Side, which is found within us.


We shall strive for victory and triumph, even when it is not appropriate.


  1. Good things come to those who see everything in Pink.
  2. All avian meats should, nonetheless, be cooked well. The power of Pink comes from inside one’s self, not from ingesting badly done poultry.
  3. No chicken is to be harmed, extinguished of life or eaten without a just cause.
  4. Just causes include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • Space exploration
    • Showing superiority through great food during interaction with alien species
    • Hunger in general
    • Cheap prices in local store
    • A looming approach of expiration date