Applicants must join our Discord, and click the red CONTACT MANAGEMENT button in #Welcome.
We Are Mostly Idiots, You Could Be The Exception…
To continue being the largest, most active UK organisation in the ‘verse!
Since the dawn of time Humanity has always looked to the stars. What is out there? What will we find? Is there anything like us? These questions lingered within us for centuries until we finally had the chance of answering them. Originating from ancient Earth, humanity ventured out into the great unknown in search for answers to ancient questions. Planets were colonised and discoveries made. Humanity united and we became an interplanetary species.
But discovery leads to dangers and so humanity encountered a hostile species in the year 2541. With the first Tevarin-war, came a great arming campaign to the world of mankind. One of the many battle-groups created was the historic British-based armada, an armada famous for its deeds in the war and for their unique slogan. On every single one of their ships they would spray the prefix “TBAC” an abbreviation for “The British Are Coming”. This phrase simultaneously spread hope and fear in a time of war.
When joining us as a new member we’d like to stress that you should always feel like you can join in, it’s understandable that people can sometimes feel like an outsider when they join a group of people who know each other well, but trust us, we can’t wait to get to meet you. There is no skill level or time commitment needed to join TBAC, and we know that real life must always come first. We are all here because we want to play with other like-minded citizens just like you.
TBAC is originally a British armada which was transformed to an organisation amidst the chaos. Over time TBAC has grown to encompass 18 different nationalities from all over Europe and some beyond.
A chilled-out atmosphere and freedom of choice remain the core foundations on which TBAC stand. Being friendly and supportive towards each other are also key aspects that define our organisation. You’ve got a problem? We are happy to help you out.
During planned events, we ask that you respect the established structure of our organisation. As such we expect you to keep comms discipline, refrain from talking over each other and follow directions if they are given from higher ranking members.
We aim to take full advantage of everything the game has to offer within TBAC, whether it’s peaceful exploration or medical, cargo running and mining. Or switching gears and jumping into action packed dogfights and ground-based combat. Our gameplay options are only limited by our own imaginations.
Together we will build a brighter future for everyone, or burn it all down because we’re idiots!
There are many things we as players can do in the ‘verse, some will want to mine for precious minerals, some spend countless hours exploring the great unknown, while others want nothing more than to just shoot someone else in the face. Whatever your focus and wherever your interest lies, TBAC have you covered!
Specialists are members who have taken the time and effort to learn, train or understand a particular area of Star Citizen gameplay. They have proven their skills and knowledge, and are happy to provide a point of contact for training and guidance to other members of the Org.
Org Admirals: Banksy | Puffer | Noximilien | Oibren | Gen | Tycan
- Teamwork
- Buffoonery
- Authenticity
- Chilled
Specialists are members who have taken the time and effort to learn, train or understand a particular area of Star Citizen gameplay. They have proven their skills and knowledge, and are happy to provide a point of contact for training and guidance to other members of the Org.
• NPC & other game generated entities can be engaged
• Players with crime stats who are NOT hauling cargo can be engaged
• Players with or without crime stats who ARE aggressive can be engaged
• Players without crime stats who are not aggressive must not be engaged
You must NOT “Grief kill”, repeatedly killing a player over and over again will result in your immediate dismissal from the Org.
TBAC members are free to engage the UNRESTRICTED targets at any time, the RESTRICTED targets are not to be engaged without prior consent from either the Org Admiral or the Military Admiral.
Members who want to participate in PIRATE activities must have prior consent from a member of the Military management team.
Smack talk and offensive language in general chat and all other chat channels is not permitted, nor are boasting or bragging about recent conquests. Keep chat light-hearted, inclusive and most of all fun.
During organised events some of the rules above may be broken, this is at the discretion of the TBAC Admirals and is not to be replicated outside of Org events & operations.
As the game develops and changes these rules will be updated as required.
Fly Safe…
Org Admiral Puffer
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