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Sykle / SYKLE

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Security
  • Freelancing

We are Sykle. A multitude of lifestyles organized into a single entity, where strength is found in cohesion and cooperation. Our morals are grey, if something needs to be done, it will get done and there is little that we hesitate on.

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We are Sykle. A multitude of players, from varying walks, organized into a single entity, where strength is found in cohesion and cooperation. Our morals are grey, if something needs to be done, it will get done and there is little that we hesitate on.

With so many choices for gameplay, a traditional top-down organization, where one person controls all avenues of the game, would not work in this universe. Grouped into companies based on career paths, where each company works in collaboration with the other companies in order to ensure success as a whole, there is guaranteed a place for you among our ranks.

By organizing into smaller more focused companies, players have the opportunity to have more synergy within their focused group and have the safety of having different career paths all under one name. These groups will work together on things that require more than one group present but will be autonomous enough to stand on their own and not need their hand held.

Each company will consist of a high commander, several lieutenants, and many ensigns. This general chain of command is necessary to ensure things remain orderly and functioning and so that things do not devolve into anarchy. However, each member of the company, be you a lieutenant or ensign, will be listened to and taken seriously.

We do not have plans to be degenerate scum, but if the law doesn’t fit what we have plans for, we aren’t going to change our plans.


Be honorable and have dignity
Be a pleasure to play with, not a problem to deal with
Be serious, do not ruin someone else’s fun for your own pleasure
Do nothing against the well being of Sykle
If there is a problem, speak up
We require exclusivity, if you are part of Sykle, you are not part of another organization