Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


S.W.O.1 / SWO1

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Resources

So what does S.W.O.1 stand for? Solo With Option we’re 1.


Why I play solo. I have played a lot of games and most of the time joined an Org.
Average game play with Org . Join a crew, wait for everyone to show up, go on our way, people go afk , dads have to stop and go check on their child that just fell down the stairs . we get attacked we all die , 2 hours wasted . No I like to do my own thing.
But its nice to have a group of people to group up with for time to time , when you want to, not have to


S.W.O.1 will be if ( if anybody joins) an organization of solo player. Willing to help out other members from time to time. ( not required).

Need a blueprint from a mission but its to hard for one solo player? Then ask the Org for help. You logged in game but don’t have any real plans. Ask the Org if anybody need help.

I have a selfish reason for starting this Org. I’m also a solo player but would like some end game content. I want to build a Space station. Now as a solo player I really have on need for it but as on Org we can have shops and a place to call home. As an Org we all have the same right as any other member. If we ever make any money as an Org It will be split as evenly as possible.

So I want an Org that’s not an Org for us solo player . If you join you have more option, you can still play solo do what you want but now you have some help


Do what you want, but now you have someone watching you back.
Just don’t be a pirate.