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Super Friends / SUPERF

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

The Super Friends are a Syndicate of chill space junkies across the whole spectrum of game play. We believe in playing games how we want, and spending time with awesome people while we do it.

Life is hard already, the Super Friends are all about super fun!


In the year 2045 a group of humans on SOL who played VR video games together for many years uploaded their consciousnesses into a probe that was sent off into deep space in the hopes that they could someday live in a time that was more bad ass then the 21st century just like they had always simulated.

In the year 2948 the fragmented data from the ancient probe was recovered and put into a really sexy looking android body. The consciousness that was first brought back was that of Gandora Olap who quickly took over the role of reviving all of the former Super Friends and growing the once thriving group of casual miscreants back into existence.


Life is hard already, the Super Friends are all about super fun! Now that doesn’t mean we can’t be some of the best and most skilled player’s in the game, but it does mean that we understand that each player will have their own level of skill and available time to play, and that we should respect that.


Here are the key tenants of the super friends:

1. Don’t be too serious
Life is hard already, the Super Friends are all about super fun! Now that doesn’t mean we can’t be some of the best and most skilled player’s in the game, but it does mean that we understand that each player will have their own level of skill and available time to play, and that we should respect that.

2. Have Fun
If you start feeling too serious, refer to tenant #1. This is a game after all.

3. Don’t be a douche.
Super Friends are super friendly to new players, each-other, and friendly factions. We do not hunt and kill n00bs, but we also do not restrict our players from playing any style of game-play that is allowed. As long we aren’t being douches.

In a game so heavily skill based it can become frustrating when you aren’t able to do something you feel you should, and in a game where success regularly depends on others who may be struggling with the same issues themselves it is critical to remember to be respectful and kind. Often other players are going out of their way to help you achieve your goals in game instead of their own, don’t ever lose sight of that while playing.

4. The Super Friends do not horde knowledge.
We believe that spreading false information, and keeping secrets from players about core game mechanics makes the game less fun for casual fun loving people who don’t have time to dedicate hundreds of hours to gaming. We also don’t believe in arbitrary unspoken rules, and in the value of free and honest sharing.