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Sundered Sky / SUNSKY

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Infiltration

Sundered Sky, an organization of like-minded people aiming to achieve end-game goals without being a hardcore mil/space sim org. There will never be “report times” or anything along that, but we know when to focus and lock it in. With members on daily, join the discord so you can learn more!


With the initial members originating from Pyro under the orange sky of a Sundered Sun and minimal UEE presence, freedom was a birthright. With the reopening of the jump point and the influx of UEE civilians flying in to pillage our system’s wonders as their own, the idea of the Phoenix rising from the sun to protect our home became our foundation. Rising from the dying star to create an empire that looks after our own first, securing our freedom once again within the verse to live as we please.


Who we are

A group of friends aiming to create an organization of like-minded people who know each other by name, rather than being another number in an org.

Our vision

1 Grow the org naturally and offer support to the org goals and each other.
2 Establish a balanced role-based organization where people can choose their specialty and contribute to the bigger goals.
3 Org-wide contribution to server events, base building/Space-Station (SoonTM), etc.

What we do

Everything! The military side ranges from pirating tactically acquiring loot to offering protection services, while our industrial side fuels the efforts to keep the org moving forward in development.


As we grow and develop our organization, the need for more positions will drastically grow. As of now we are very combat oriented with the plans to have full operations in place for hauling, mining, and building. No matter if you are an expert in combat from ship piloting to infantry, or an expert in mining and hauling, all are welcome to apply.


Operational Policies

  • Contribute to organization operations and goals if available.
  • Follow respective division structures and efforts for easier cohesion.
  • Abide by in-place star system laws. (When required)

Personnel Policies
  • Looking out for each other in the org comes first, help your fellow members.
  • We’re all adults, be respectful to each other.
  • Abide by in-place star system laws. (When required)