Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Stormriders / STORMRIDE

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration

Welcome and thank you for you interest in joining the Stormriders!
Stormriders is an 18 and over “mil-sim lite” UEE-lawful Naval org.

We set out to defend the defenseless and offer our services as a full Naval fleet in support of all lawful citizens of the verse.


Link to our discord

Stormriders is an 18 and over UEE-lawful mil sim-lite Naval Org currently comprised of 6 Wings and Divisions:
Full Description of our Wings, here.

Fleet Admiral Chohauk initiated the fleet with the driving motivation: hold to the moral standards of the UEE, defend the defenseless, and find the best talent – lost and scattered in the ‘verse – and offer them a family. Stormriders is structured as a self-sustaining fleet that will ultimately embrace a 3-pronged structure of military/research/exploration with each of the three facets benefitting the others.

In our time in the verse, Stormriders have been lucky enough to conduct joint operations with some of the best allied orgs as well as create engaging rivalries with some of the best adversaries available. In the form of “The Syndicate,” Stormriders have found a foil which we regularly engage with both opportunistically as well as through organized large-scale operation events. The Stormriders fleet takes a hard stance against piracy and criminality in the verse, and will often patrol to keep shipping lanes clear for cargo runners and miners with valuable cargo.

If you are interested in joining Stormriders, please feel free to join our Discord directly or reach out to Chohauk on Discord to access our Discord Channel


Link to our discord

Stormriders is an 18 and over UEE-lawful mil sim-lite Naval Org currently comprised of 6 Wings and Divisions.
Full Description of our Wings, here.

Corvette Strike Wing (PvP/PvE)
Expeditionary Wing (exploration/discovery)
Support and Logistics Wing (cargo/mining/salvage/transport)
Naval Intelligence Command (data/recon/espionage)
Jackals Corps (FPS ground teams)
Apollo Medical Corps (Medical)

Our org will ultimately embrace a 3-pronged structure of military/research/exploration with each of the three facets benefitting the others.

Fleet Admiral Chohauk initiated the fleet with the driving motivation: hold to the moral standards of the UEE, defend the defenseless, and find the best talent – lost and scattered in the ‘verse – and offer them a family.

If you are interested in joining Stormriders, please feel free to join our Discord directly or reach out to Chohauk on Discord to access our Discord Channel


The Stormriders Fleet is bound by UEE Military Law. Full members are expected to conduct themselves accordingly, and our associated Civilian Fleet Captains are expected to maintain general good standing in their respective systems. Fleet ranks will be respected by both our members and civilian partners. Stormriders maintains ongoing relationships with associated Allied Orgs. Allied Org representatives will also be respected by members of Stormriders.

Stormriders offers a robust Enlisted as well as Commissioned rank structure. The commissioned ranks are for those members wishing to become part of either the org leadership or part of the fleet bridge command during official ops.

The Stormriders Org Rank Structure is as follows:

  • Fleet Admiral
  • Admiral
  • Vice Admiral
  • Rear Admiral
  • Captain
  • Commander
  • Lieutenant Commander
  • Lieutenant
  • Lieutenant Junior Grade
  • Ensign
  • Master Chief Petty Officer
  • Chief Petty Officer
  • Petty Officer 1st Class
  • Petty Officer 2nd Class
  • Petty Officer 3rd Class
  • Recruit

Please reach out to Chohauk #3656 on Discord to access our Discord Channel


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