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Stellar Technologies Corporation / STELTECH

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Engineering
  • Exploration

The Stellar Technologies Corporation (StelTechCor) has a primary focus in R&D, manufacturing, trading and exploration, while also employing a large number of paramilitary security staff to guard our endeavours.



  • Your fun should not come at the expense of that of others.
  • Your honour and reputation is easily abandoned but hard to regain.
  • If it costs you little, there is no reason not to help others.



We are a lawful-good aligned, casual, role-play corporation. Please avoid acts of piracy or criminal behaviour while representing us, particularly against other players. (If members wish to engage in this gameplay, please avoid role-playing as a member of the org, unless in the context of a clearly rogue operator.)

Suggested Naming Conventions

Our operations in this sector are broken into the following major divisions, which also inform the suggested naming convention for our vehicles.

(Note: These conventions are for roleplay, and are entirely optional)

Aerospace Command (STAC)

For fighter craft played as part of the StelTechCor military. Most of these have no interior besides the cockpit, but there are some exceptions: Avenger Titan, Vanguard Warden for example.

Convention: Squadron name and number, where the squadron name would likely be a single word.
Example: STAC Swift-1, STAC Talon-7

Bomber Command (STBC)

Small military craft is mostly intended to deliver large ordnance, be it dropped bombs or torpedos (Size 5 and up). Examples include the Gladiator and Vanguard Harbinger. The Retaliator could be included here if you want, but could also fit into Fleet Command.

Convention: Squadron name and number.

Fleet Command (STFC)

Any larger or multi-crew combat ship, such as the Constellation Andromeda, Freelancer MIS, Retaliator, Kraken, Idris, Javelin etc.

Convention: Virtues (Pride of, etc), locations (in-game and external canon), words evoking strength or protection
Example: STFC Pride of Fyrn, STFC Aegis

Merchant Navy (STMN) / Support Command (STSC)

Industrial, cargo, data running, courier, supply or medical ships with self defence ability, or anything else with an industry or support focus. Merchant Navy is if you want to play more of a commercial focus, Support Command is if you prefer to play your ship as if part of the military. Examples include the Constellation Taurus, Freelancer / FL MAX, Kraken Privateer, etc.

Convention: Beasts of burden, words evoking dependability, reliability, durability, or function.
Example: STMN Infinity, STMN Bison.

Exception: Medical ships could also choose a suitable name.
Example: STMN Hope, STMN Charity.

Interstellar Touring (STIT)

Luxury and passenger transport ships, such as the 890J, the 600i-t, and the Genesis Starliner.

Convention: Words suggesting luxury, leisure, travel, exotic destinations, etc.

Mechanised Infantry (STMI)

Ground combat vehicles (G12a, Ballista, Nova) and dropships (Valkyrie, Prowler, maybe the Cutlass Black depending on primary use)

Convention: Squad name and number for ground vehicles (see Aerospace Command), squad name and letter (optionally written as from the RATEL phonetic alphabet) for dropships.
Example: STMI Duster-1, STMI Nighthawk Bravo.

Xenocartography Bureau (STXB)

Exploration ships, such as the Carrack, Freelancer DUR, Constellation Aquila, 600i-e, or possibly the Terapin.

Convention: Words evoking the frontier, scientific discovery, perseverance, the cosmos, etc
Example: STXB Endeavour, STXB Curiosity, STXB Minerva

High-Performance Vehicles (STHPV)

Any vehicle where the emphasis is on going fast for competition reasons.

Convention: Anything that evokes speed, daring, perhaps a little recklesness.
Example: STHPV Greased Lightning, STHPV Celerity

Other vehicles (STV)

Any vehicle that doesn’t fit into the above roles.

Convention: Anything that doesn’t belong in the conventions above.


Auxiliary ([A])

The Auxiliary is for any vehicle that possesses some combat potential and will sometimes be used for that, but that is not the intended role of the craft. So for example if you have outfitted a cargo ship for combat, you might wish to label it STMN[A] instead of STMN or STFC. Similarly, if you have a Hammerhead that is mostly serving non-combat roles but can still fight, you could label it STFC[A].

This is just for additional flavour, and you should use whatever convention you prefer.

Terrestrial ([T])

An optional suffix for ground vehicles attached to one of the designations above, if you feel the base designation does not make it clear. For example, anything attached to Mechanised Infantry (STMI) might not require the [T] suffix, but if you have an Ursa Rover attached to the Exploration Bureau (STXB), you might want to use STXB[T] when naming it.

This is just for additional flavour, and you should use whatever convention you prefer.