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NovaTech Logistics / STANTONTF

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Medical

Welcome to NovaTech Logistics: Pioneering Tomorrow, Today.

Join us as we continue to redefine what’s possible, one innovation at a time. Welcome to NovaTech Logistics. where technology meets tomorrow.



The Medical, Entertainment, & Trade Advancement Corporation, or METACorp was founded in late 2952 by CEO Zachary King. The Company was created to bring Healthcare, and Medical services to citizens throughout the verse, Create a space where trade pilots could learn and share information and profit from across stanton, and plan and organize social events for the community as a whole.


As the company expanded in early 2953 Ms. Snow was added to the METACorp board and put in charge of our medical and HR divisions, Adding infrastructure to the company streamlining training and policies for all Employees.
In mid 2953 the company paused all operations, taking time to regroup and restructure into what is seen today. Adding salvage and repair to our ever growing list of services.


Early 2954 After company restructures were completed, and company practices started in full with the hiring of our new VP Loki. Our first initiative was expansion of company staff working to grow our influence and resources. Work on this initiative is expected to meet our goals by mid 2954, and the start of our second initiative will begin work with METACorps first hosted event set to start its planning stage for release in late 2954.
Late 2954 METACorp Rebrand as NovaTech Logistics with a new focus on Medical care and Trade contracts.


As a Company NovaTech has three Pillars: Medical, Trade, and entertainment. Within this document I will go over the core goals we work towards within those three pillars.

NovaTech has an entire medical division dedicated to training combat medics and rescue pilots to assist your fellow employees, as well as the verse as a whole.

At our core we are a trade company, we will be working to expand the known trade routes within stanton and soon to be pyro. As well as working to teach and assist our employees toward their trading goals.

This is one of the things we as a company are most excited for! METACorp will be working to build a Marketing and event planning division to plan and organize Events. These events will range from in company contests and social gatherings, as well as larger scale events intended to engage the community as a whole.
Finial Notes
With all of these things our primary goal is creating fun and engaging experiences for our Company and the community as a whole, with hopes and goals to grow our abilities and influence as the world we all enjoy expands. We are always hiring and happy to bring new talent onto our team. We look forward to seeing all of you in joining us all in bringing the future one step closer.

Join our discord to get started!...


NovaTech is a friendly and welcoming environment for players of all experience levels. Employees are expected to hold to specific standards.

1.Treat people with respect, harassment and racism are treated with zero tolerance.

2.Griefing and trolling of other employees will not be tolerated.

3.Respect the Company management structure during company activities.

4.Any issues you have should be reported to HR and the problem will be resolved.


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