*Open 24/7
*We are a private interest corporation. Join at your own risk.
21+ US-Based (UTC-8)
Respect others. Treat all other players with dignity and respect. Be respectful of other members of the guild, their abilities, their contributions, and any extra duties they perform to keep the guild running.
We all play to have fun. Don’t ruin it for other people. It is you, and not the Guild Leadership, who is primarily responsible for whether you are having fun or not.
Be mature. Immature and infantile behaviour is not tolerated. This is a guild of adults, so make sure you act like it.
You are part of a guild. We succeed as a group, not as individuals. Self-centred and self-absorbed attitudes are not helpful.
Not everyone will get on with everyone else. That’s life.
Constructive feedback and discussion on all aspects is always welcome. Complaints should not be made unless accompanied by alternative proposals. All feedback and discussion should respect this Code of Conduct.
Do not use excessive, gratuitous or explicit language. Justifiable mature language and conversation is to be accepted. Politics, religion, and similarly divisive topics are embargoed.
Abusive, threatening, discriminatory, or prejudicial behaviour of any form is expressly forbidden and will be met with immediate expulsion. Intentionally vexatious, obstructive, malicious, hostile, aggressive, or insulting behaviour is not acceptable.