Welcome to Squadron of Danes, an Danish PMC organization.
Squadron of Danes is a detachment of the Danish Arma group Platoon of Danes. SQOD is made of military and civilian personnel, who will to the best of their abilities complete the task at hand with professionalism and efficiency. We are both marines and pilots, and our small manned teams are perfect for covert and protection duties.
Services:Contact our MARKETING department for further questions.
Members of SQOD is to obey the laws as much as possible while performing the jobs and operations they are doing in the name om SQOD.
SQOD has some ranks that we have adopted, from what is said to be the old Danish Royal Air force, those ranks are as following from highest to lowest;
Major (Squadron Leader)
Kaptajn (Flight Lieutenant)
Premierløjtnant (Flying Officer)
Sekondløjtnant (Pilot Officer)
Flyverspecialist (Lance Corporal)
Flyverkonstabel (Aircraftman/woman)