Get Apollonaut a couple of beers and he’ll tell you the whole history of the org. It’s interesting, but you’re here to find out what the org is now, and what the org will become in the future.
We learned a lot of lessons through making mistakes in the early years. There’s a reason people stick around after joining Sol Armada, and it’s not because we give them credits (though that may play into it). We know you’ll find your own reason to stay when you play with us.
We treat members as people, not as numbers. We leave no one behind. We know what it feels like to not have a voice, and we know what it feels like to be capable of greatness and not have the freedom to display it. We recognize the value of a plan of action, so you know what you’re getting into when you sign up for an event a few days in advance.
We aim to provide a comfortable middle ground between the hardcore mil-sim orgs and the casual shenanigans orgs. We understand that real life comes first, and that always takes priority. We’re all about providing experiences that you cannot have by yourself in Star Citizen. It is an MMO after all, and if you want to really see what makes this game shine, join Sol Armada! We are dedicated to providing fun for our members, and we support new members to the fullest of our capability. We have extra ships, credits, and open crew positions in abundance for you to enjoy the game with us.
We are casual-friendly, newbie-friendly, and Star Citizen veteran-friendly. We’re mostly in the North American region, though we do have several members in various other locales. Our playerbase is knowledgeable and patient, and there’s no requirement for members to attend events — though we’d love to have you with us, provided you aren’t a pirate!
Family, health, work, and other real life responsibilities always come before gaming. Star Citizen is a game, and it must be understood that there are other priorities before it. We won’t kick you out of the org if you take a vacation, or even a long-term break from the game (as long as you are still contactable).
Leave your work/relationship drama, politics, and your real life issues, at home. No one should expect to hear negativity when joining a chat room after a long day at work. Gaming is only a temporary escape from real life issues—if you need professional help, guidance, or therapy, please seek it elsewhere. This is not to say that you cannot seek support or advice from other members—all we ask is to make sure that it is done at appropriate times, with small numbers of people in voice comms.
Maintain respect for all members. Racist, sexist, ageist, ableist, homophobic, politically incendiary, or otherwise offensive material will be immediately removed from chat. Additionally, chat spamming and frequent irrelevant image / meme sharing are grounds for suspension.
Commanders and officers are instrumental in building group cohesion and enabling smooth operation as an org. Respect their commands during operations, even if you think there would be a better plan of action, as plans are difficult to modify once they have been set into motion. You are welcome to voice your thoughts on decision-making and management successes/failures after an operation is finished, and your suggestions will be taken into consideration during subsequent event planning.
Don’t go off on your own during operations, or break from the role your team has assigned for you. More broadly: although many will pursue solo work in game, it will be far more rewarding to work with fellow members and allies to achieve common goals. Safety in numbers applies to space travel, too. It helps when someone is there to watch your back when you can’t.
We use Discord for most active communication and organizational purposes. English is the primary spoken language. We cannot rely on reading chat messages on Discord (or even in-game) – many have Discord muted, and the in-game chat turned off. If you do not have a microphone, use your cell phone to join the call if you need to.
It’s a game! Of course, bugs will occur, battles will be lost, and friendships will be tested, but in the end, we’re all here to have a good time. Your efforts to help encourage a positive environment goes a long way towards that goal. When you inevitably incur losses of credits and time due to bugs or other unfortunate circumstances, the org can absorb some of those losses and help you get back on your feet. During the Alpha, we’re focused on increasing game knowledge and team bonding rather than pinching pennies.
All Sol Armada Members must mark Sol Armada as Primary and Visible on their RSI profile. No Sol Armada Member or Affiliate may have any Redacted organizations in their RSI profile (unless that org is EVOCATI – proven with a profile screenshot). No Sol Armada Member or Affiliate may also be a Member or Affiliate of any organization involving pirates, piracy, infiltration, or any activity that goes against the best interests of the Sol Armada Organization.
We want to maintain a positive, lawful reputation as an organization among both the playerbase and the in-game reputation systems. If someone witnesses one of our members being a menace in-game, then identifies that member’s Sol Armada membership by looking at their RSI profile, the Sol Armada name becomes associated with that member and their behavior.
Regarding piracy: we respect, but will not participate in legitimate piracy. “Legitimate Piracy” involves negotiation between the pirates and the pirated. Getting blown up feels bad, so try to avoid it as best you can.
Regarding escalation: you will never truly know how many allies an aggressor may have. We will do our best to secure and protect the assets belonging to our members. This does not mean that we can always send a force to go kill a griefer who killed you. Escalation breeds war, and war is expensive, stressful, and time-consuming. We want to avoid becoming enemies with organizations, especially due to misunderstandings or miscommunication.
DURING THE GAME’S ALPHA: We recognize that unlawful PvE missions can be engaging and fun. We will not punish you for participating in unlawful gameplay against NPCs. If you acquire a crimestat, you accept all responsibility for clearing it (or serving your prison time). We do not, as an org, “play red”, and in order to participate in our regular events, you must not have an active Crimestat. We don’t want bounty hunters interfering in our operations.
Offense-oriented PvP while red (murder-piracy) is not allowed in Sol Armada. If you want to practice PvP, go play Arena Commander Free Flight and practice against the skilled pilots there.
THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Eventually, a reputation system may exist that tracks the org’s reputation within the UEE. If unlawful gameplay affects the org’s reputation, we may need to implement policies that are more restrictive.
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