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Skeleton Crew Logistics / SKLTNCRW

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Resources

The Skeleton Crew is a casual Syndicate for player’s looking to trade and smuggle with like minded people. All we ask is you show respect to others and try to keep under the radar as to not bring attention from the wrong people. PvE/PvP, Cas/Reg/Hardcore players are all welcome.


During the Messer Era civil unrest was high, political dissidents and critics alike faced persecution at the hands of the Tyrannical Messer Empire and with this came a need for smugglers to transport these people out off the UEE’s boarders to Xi’an Space. One of these group’s, that came to be known along the Bremen Beltway was the “Skeleton Crew”, earning their name for the simple fact that they operated their ships with minimal crew members. They were known to smuggle not just people out of the UEE but also to bring in weapons and supplies for the Anti – Messer activists… and pirates alike, anything to hamper the Messer’s control over systems. Along the Bremen Beltway they are known to be honest and fair with their dealings, even offering their services for free to those in dire need especially when it came to helping anti – Messer activists escape persecution.

After the fall of the Messer’s and the coming of the new Elective constitutional monarchy, the Skeleton Crew needed to make a change in business back to being Cargo transporters, but in an already convoluted industry they needed to expand, bringing on Prospectors, Salvagers, and Traders alike (Though still holding onto some old contacts from their days as smugglers) to help improve trade and supplies of the far reaching outposts within the UEE, Xi’an, and lawless regions.


Skeleton Crew Logistics is a Corporation focused on Trade, Prospecting, Salvaging, and off the records smuggling. Are you looking to help supply the settlers of the Lawless regions and far reaching settlements of the UEE? Don’t know where to start? Well look no further than Skeleton Crew Logistics, where all members are willing to help and provide tips to new and veteran Traders, Prospectors, Salvagers, and Smugglers.


The Pledge of Solidarity

1. I will RESPECT my fellow members
2. I promise Customer Satisfaction will be held at the highest standards
3. I will RESPECT my fellow citizens in the verse (Any personal beefs are yours and yours alone do not bring the Corp into it)
4. I will aid my fellow members when needed
5. I will help fund the companies fleet and ground expansion through 10% union dues
6. I will inform my superiors of any and all pirate activity to ensure no profit or personnel losses occur
7. I will post Job listings within the corporation before outsourcing the work.
8. I will not undersell my fellow corporation members only our competitors
9. I will attempt to make an appearance 5 days a month
10. This is the Way.