Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


The Skeleton Crew / SKELCREW

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Social

Welcome to our Org Profile. Feel free to browse the member list and check our Recruitment section if you wish to join us.


History is what we make of it


Our Org is a social crew, we are all here to have fun. We pride ourselves on teamwork and helping build our players up. Our name was decided because using minimum players (a skeleton crew) is the best way to increase profit per head. We aim to train players, old and new, to enable them to create more self sufficient “skeleton crews”. Activities depend on current meta and player desire, some of us play to “min-max” profits while others like to chill out and just enjoy the ‘verse. We are all here to have fun and that will always be our main focus. Org members are free to to take part in any activities they want and are encouraged to invite other Org members, and members of the wider SJ community.

Players are free to decide their own level of involvement with any Org activities, however we do ask if you commit to something you honor that.

Welcome to the crew skeletons!


1. All members of the Org, and SJ community must be treat with respect and decency regardless of rank. Zero tolerance for bullying here. This includes griefing, attacking, trespassing or harassing any member of the Org or SJ community and/or their loot or property.

2. No politics, Cypto currency or religious talk. These topics are highly devise we are all here to have fun and enjoy Star Citizen.

3. Players are free to engage in any gameplay they want, however if your actions come back negatively on the Org each situation will dealt with on a case by case basis.

4. Our primary method of communication is discord. We use the SJ community discord. For best results please have decent quality mic and use the voice chats there. On this discord please set your username to match your SC username. This is an English speaking discord. The discord has rules regarding acceptable communications, these are expected to be followed throughout the Org.

5. In the case of decisions that effect the Org it will be settled by vote. On most occasions officers will be the only people voting, however in the case of a tied vote Leaders will have the final decision. On special occasions voting will be extended to the entire Org.

6. Any events the Org commits to will be open to the full SJ community.

7. The officers and leadership reserve the right to review and change the rules as needed.