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  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Transport
  • Security

Welcome to SIRN Co. Feel free to browse, and please visit our Recruitment section for career opportunities.

SIRN Co. is currently operating with Cognition Corp and Xplor.


SIRN Co. was founded in 2944 by REDACTED.
Although officially SIRN Co. is a corporation it is more like a family with its few members working hard to keep the org in business.
SIRN Co. offers transport, exploration and security services to civilians, colonists and other organizations.
We do not seek combat and are generally a peaceful org. But we will defend ourselves if attacked.
SIRN Co. is currently operating with Cognition Corp. a fast growing org that focuses on helping smaller orgs cooperate and thrive.


SIRN Co. is a transport, exploration and security corporation.
We are currently recruiting new members and will happily take you in.

Contract Types:
Cargo transport,
Personal and VIP transport,

For any more info please contact the org CEO.


1) Do not commit any crimes unless the contract requires it.
2) Do not betray any SIRN Co. members or SIRN Co. itself.
3) No drinking or drug consumption on the job unless the contract requires it.
4) Only kill when you have no other choice or the contract requires it.
5) If someone attacks you self defense is not a problem. show them that you are a member of SIRN Co.!
6) Be nice to our contractors unless the contract requires you not to be nice. You never know.
7) Have fun!