Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Sirius / SIRIS

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

We seek to explore every facet of this ‘verse we’re all part of; Under a strict knighthood of team above self.

Friend to Many. Kneel to None


It’s hard to say exactly when the inception of Sirius was. If you had to, it was most likely in early 2950 during a drinking session between a few of us military types. We were all sitting around G-Lock in Area-18. The plan had been to be sitting around Wally’s at Microtech. But that didn’t happen. A lot of plans we made hadn’t happened. Wally’s was under construction. The jumpgates weren’t functioning. Our “vacation” wasn’t nearly what it was meant to be.

We all worked for the same Private Military Corporation (PMC) and the last few ops had been canceled or paid a fraction of what they were supposed to. To add to this, no one had heard from the boss, except a garbled message here or there shutting down any new jobs we found. We had the feeling this leave time had been granted to buy some time.

No one knew what was going on but, we were all getting fed up.

As we sat around exchanging gripes and stale combat stories we slowly learned most of us had joined the PMC for the same reason. We wanted to get out into the ‘verse. There was action and adventure out there and the whole galaxy to find it in.

The next few weeks, no one heard anything from our bosses. Left on our own, a couple of us got to talking, but we weren’t drinking and making jokes now. For all intents and purposes, we were out of a job. Scary for a moment and then suddenly freeing, we made plans… A few more joined us.

There it was. Suddenly a small tight-knit group of highly trained, hungry for adventure, fighters, engineers, and soon to be explorers.

So, in 2950, Sirius was formed.

Since then we’ve been keeping our skill set sharp, picking up freelance jobs, making new friends and forming a fleet; preparing for the day they finally get those jump gates working again so we can get out of the Stanton system and claim our own little slice of the Galaxy.


Who We Are

The name Sirius is derived from the Ancient Greek ‘Seirios’, which means ‘glowing’ or ‘scorcher.’ In ancient Chaldea on Earth the star was known as the ‘Dog Star That Leads.’

We are a guild of Nomads, blazing a path into the unknown.

Sirius intends to explore the galaxy as a nomadic fleet, making credits, fighting hostiles, and supporting allies. However, we will settle into a system, build a base or set up other major operations as profits and good times dictate.

Core Values
  • Our community comes first.
  • We aim to explore and experience the Star Citizen universe.
  • Not ruin the experience for other players.
  • Protect others from those who would.
  • We are friend to many.
  • We kneel to none.
Our Members
  • Actions speak louder than words.
  • Put the team before themselves.
  • Do not engage in drama.
  • Are mature and friendly.

The universe is a harsh and beautiful place.
To us, it’s where we belong.
In the galaxy’s, the planets, and darkness of space.
It’s the people and community that make us who we are.
We’re on a journey out of the shadows and into the great wide unknown…
That noise you hear is us moving in.
And we’re bringing the best home grown talent with us.
Folks that bleed the same red as you.
Sworn to defend what’s ours.
For loyalty.
For respect.
Bonds will be forged.
History will be written.
Rivalries born.
The journey has begun
Acta Non Verba



The full charter is available to members. This section is derived from the charter and designed to help you determine if applying to join Sirius is right for you.
Apply here through the RSI website.
A link to our discord is located at the bottom of this page.


  • Sirius explores the galaxy engaging in everything from commerce and industry to open war along the way. Above all else we maintain a strong sense of community within our members.


  • > Designed to be as efficient with no needless bureaucracy.
  • > Sirius is controlled by a Command Staff with final executive power resting with a single member.
  • > We use the UEE Navy ranking structure.
  • > Our organization and command structure is designed to allow members to play independently or with demanding teamwork.


  • > We have a strong since of tribe, but maintain diplomatic relations with orgs and individuals that share our values.
    > We tend to take our goals in the game seriously, but it is a game. Real life comes first.
  • > Generally we are grown adults with careers and this is a hobby. As long as you are mature; you’ll fit in.
  • > As an org we are hardcore but not ‘mil sim’. Individual members can play more casually, there are roles for most every type of play.
  • > We absolutely do not grief other players in game.
  • > We are generally lawful and absolutely do not pirate.

on drama:

  • > Our members have many different personality types, careers, family status’, political beliefs, hobbies, etc. What everyone in the org has in common is the ability to be friendly and respectful with those very different from themselves.
  • > We are here to play the game not argue social issues, politics, or anything like that.
  • > Bottom line: we are here to have fun playing this nerdy space game with others that want the same.

What to expect when you join

  • > New members start out with the rank of “Starman Recruit.” Once you complete Basic Training you will become a “Starman.” Where you go from there is entirely up to you.
  • > Basic training is designed to make you a basic functioning member of Sirius and to be quick and easy but still get you the basic info you need so you will not be lost when you jump on with us.
  • > You will be assigned to an officer who will help get started as needed.
  • > After 30 days your Starman Recruit rank will be reviewed by Command Staff to see if you are ready to become a full member and rank up to Starman.


Q: Is Sirius “casual” or “hardcore”?

  • A: Short answer; Hardcore.
    Longer answer: Both. It depends on the job you do. A dedicated fighter pilot is expected to train regularly and compete with the best, while someone who does not want to play so hardcore can simply be a turret gunner on a big ship or operate as an independent affiliated miner and play at their own pace. Star Citizen is broad enough game to accommodate many styles of player. As an org, we engage in a broad range of gameplay and there is a place for the casual as well as the hardcore to thrive with us. We call ourselves hardcore because much of our activity is based on a strict chain of command, following operational orders, and using communication disciplines.

Q: How large does Sirius want to get?

  • A: Large enough to engage in any gameplay loop, but small enough to maintain a sense of community throughout our ranks.

Q: Does Sirius accept members as Affiliates?

  • A: Yes. Discuss the details of your situation with an officer when you interview to join.

Q: Does Sirius have a uniform?

  • A: Yes. We use a uniform during formal Ops. You do not have to have it on at all times. If the Op calls for specific armor type (mining on a cold planet) then you can use that.

“Sirius Discord(Sirius Discord)”: