Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!



  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Social
  • Security

The world is governed by personalities very different to what people that cannot see further than their eyes, believe.


2943 DEC 11 – SINNERS an idea.
2944 JAN 1 – SINNERS [REDACTED] registered.
2944 JAN 22 – SINNERS is visible in the RSI organization registry.
2944 APR 22 – We are growing slow and steady with renowned members of the community.
2944 AUG 08 – Digital presence receives a massive overhaul.
2944 OCT 20 – Operations are put on temporary hold pending game development.
2945 JAN 15 – Digital presence receives a graphical overhaul.
2945 MAY 20 – SINNERS has reached [REDACTED] members and affiliates.
2945 JUN 1 – SINNERS open doors and recruitment policy is put on hold. Vouch or invitation only.
2946 APR 12 – Released offering in support of contract management between organisations and operatives
2946 MAY 20 – SINNERS announces partnership with [REDACTED] to disrupt and secure our mutual ambitions
2946 OCT 05 – M&A process continues as planned; SINNERS successfully integrates [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]
2947 JAN 04 – SINNERS fleet continues to grow whilst the number of operatives; public, hidden and redacted remain stable.
2947 MAR 25 – SINNERS releases global challenge for community and members alike to identify and develop top talents in [REDACTED]
2947 JUN 05 – No change in recruitment policy; membership remains by invitation, vouch or through M&A.
2947 AUG 13 – SINNERS recognized by independent research firm as the place to be for [REDACTED]
2947 NOV 11 – Divestment appetite among institutions operating remains near-record highs according to the latest survey
2947 DEC 22 – [REDACTED] one of SINNERS long time Executive VPs have been appointed to [REDACTED] Board of Directors.
2948 JAN 30 – SINNERS ranked no. 1 by [REDACTED] in [REDACTED]. “SINNERS leverage [REDACTED] as an enabler of speed and scale, providing trust and resilience in the products and services they create”


